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I don't really have anything to say 😕

Lily's p.o.v.

I finally reached school after my long walk from home.

Julika didn't come pick me up. Again.

As I was about to enter the building, I was suddenly yanked back by the arm.

"Good morning love." Seth's deep voice whispered close to my ear.

Why does this guy like my ear so much? It seems I'll have to be cleaning it every morning.

"Good morning." I answered cheerily like I wasn't having the weirdest thought just a few seconds ago.

"Umm, did you walk to school?" He asked out of the blue and I just shrugged.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, why didn't you tell me you didn't have a ride? I could drive you to school every morning." He offered while taking my hand and walking with me into the school.

"Really? Thanks." I smiled and he returned it.

"No problem....speaking of driving you, how do you feel about a date today?" He asked and I probably would've choked if I was drinking something.

Just like that? Wow.

"T-today? W-when?" I stuttered not really expecting that. At all.

"By about seven. I'll pick you up. Don't worry, we can talk more about it when I drive you home." He offered and I nodded wordlessly.

Did you hear that girls? Quick life hack, instead of wasting your money buying a car, you could just get yourself a boy that has one.

But I'm not saying you should get a boy because of his car, some of ya'll are crazy like that.

"Okay, well I'll see you around?" I really didn't intend for it yo come out like a question.

He just laughed and bent down to my eye level with a breathtaking smile on his face.

The fact that he's bending down is kind of insulting tho-

"I'll see you later love." He whispered like it was for only me.

My breath hitched in my throat as I stared into his beautiful dark green eyes.

It was like the world froze around us, I noticed as he slowly inched forward so I closed my eyes.

The moment was broken by someone throwing a waterbottle at Seth's head.

"Ow! What the hell?!!" He yelled as he looked in the direction of where the bottle came from.

"Ya'll should get a room!!" A boy yelled and I instantly recognised him as the boy who interrupted us at the pool.

"Fuck off you cockblocker!!!"

I couldn't help but laugh as I walked into the school.

It's been so long since I walked in here with a good mood, I hope I walk out with one too.




Seths p.o.v.

Classes flew by quicker than expected.

Or maybe they were just quick to me cause I spent most of it daydreaming.

I know what you're thinking, 'he daydreams?'

Yes I do.

I overthink shit and make fake scenarios in my head...and most of them make me feel bad.

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