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Pic of Justin above^

Ok well guys, I really hope you like this chapter.
Well here we go.

I felt a constant poking on my thigh and as much as I wanted to ignore it, it was annoying the fuck out of me.

"You know you really don't need a filter." I whisper yelled in irritation." Are you quoting 'intentions' for me babe?" He asked, starring directly at me.

The idiot isn't even trying to hide the fact that we're talking to eachother. What if the teacher sees us?

"Leave me alone Justin." I whisper-yelled at him in annoyance.

"But that's not fun at all baby." He said, with his deep sexy voice.

Woah...where did that come from?...

"Lily, are you paying attention or am I distracting you?" He asked teasingly.

I sent a hard glare his way and he smiled back, showing his pearly white teeth.

"Love?" He whispered and I hummed in response." You're starring." He remarked smirking and I cursed under my breath.

"Screw you." I said angrily and faced the teacher, just to see she was starring directly at me.

"Miss Hart, is that something you would like to share with the class?" My teacher asked politely and I shook my head no.

She resumed teaching the class and I breath out a sigh of relief. "That sucks, being called out like that." Justin said with fake pity.

I didn't answer, I wasn't getting in trouble cause of this guy. Definetely not.

"I actually missed your sexy legs and the way you used to scream my name when you thought I was going too far." He whispered, etching closer to me, ever so slightly.

I cringed in utter disgust. I mean he really just had to bring that up, when we were learning.

Suddenly I felt a hand graze my thigh and I yelped in surprise.

"Miss Hart and Mister Casey leave my class this instant!!!" My teacher shouted angrily.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit...

"Look what you made me do!!!" I yelled as I slammed the door behind me.

"You're complaining? I'm stuck in the hallway with a sassy Taylor Swift!" He yelled in fake anger.

This boy was soo annoying.

I eventually ended up just walking through the hallway, not a single destination in mind.

I continued to aimlessly pace the halls when I felt a presence behind me.

"Why the fuck are you following me?" I asked, stopping in my tracks.

"It's funny how when we first met, you used to nudge me everytime I sweared, seems you don't even need a filter." He chuckled amused.

I sighed and kept walking, he's right. He really brought out the worst in me.

"Do you remember the last time we were in here together?" He asked putting his hands in his pocket. I followed his line of sight to see what he was talking about.

The janitors closet?...

"What the hell Justin!!!" I screamed as I stalked into the girls bathroom.

Memories began flooding into my head and I slowly sank down till I was on the floor.


I just read Justin's text to meet him in the janitors closet.

He said it was really urgent and I was kinda nervous. I was worried it had to do with his health or something, bottom line is I just hoped nothing too bad happened.

My sweaty palms opened the door to the door to the janitors closet and the air was knocked out of me.

I gaped at the scene infront of me.

Kourtney sprawled on Justin, my boyfriend, my Justin...

What the hell?!!

"Oh Lily you're here" Justin remarked wiping her saliva off his lips.

I couldn't say a word, I was busy trying to process everything.

"Well you see, Kourtney and I have been having fun for 3 months basically and I decided that I've kept you in the dark for too long." He said with a shrug.

I was speechless.

"-and on that note...I'm breaking up with you." He said brushing the imaginary dust from his jeans.

"We'll be going now" Kourtney said as she placed a well manicured hand on his chest and leading him out of the janitors closet.

I stood there in shock.

It felt like I could hear my heart shattering.

I finally opened the door out of the janitors closet, but the second I stepped out, my legs bucked under me and I landed on the floor.

There was noone in the hallway, because it was lunch, I desperately tried to stand but it was like my legs were made of jello.

A strong pair of arms lifted me from the ground and steadied me on my feet.

I looked up and saw a muscular and broad guy with brown hair and brown eyes.

Beside him was a skinny girl with brown hair. She had beautiful dark green eyes. She was gorgeous.

"Are you okay?" He whispered and I shook my head, I couldn't even lie.

"C'mon let's get you cleaned up." She said tugging my arm towards the girls bathroom and I trailed behind her.

"I'm Julika and that guy was Damien." She said and I nodded.

"-and you must be..." she trailed off.

"Lily." I said, my voice hoarse from the sobs that had been choking me on our way here.

"Well Lily, why don't we get you fixed up." She offered kindly as she turned on the faucet.


I hadn't realized I was crying until I felt a tear drop fall on my thigh.

I stayed there, on the floor doing nothing till the bell rang for lunch.

I quickly wiped my tears and got up from the floor. I entered the cafeteria and sat on our usual spot.

This was gonna be an awkward lunch. I could sense it.

Well life must go on...

I'm so sorry guys for the late update.
Today was a hectic day for me.

Word count:996 words.

Please you guys this is my first book and if you're thinking this book isn't worth your time, please give it another chance. I swear you wont regret it!

Enjoy my lovelies🤗


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