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Pic of Juls above^

Guys I'm not sure if you like the book or not because there are no comments and the same people keep voting.

Can I please have a little feedback, or your opinions on what I could improve.

I repeat...I am open to criticism.
Enjoy this chapter tho.

"Lily, can we talk?" Emmett asked me and I nodded.

This ain't gon' end well.

"Were you sick the day of the party?" He asked nervously.

Shit...Why didn't I think of that? Could I be a bigger idiot?

"Yeah...I was kinda sick, but I didn't think that much about it, I just came so I wouldn't dissapoint anyone." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

The way that lie came out smoothly kinda scared me, but I was still relieved.

"I didn't mean to pressure you or anyone to do something they don't wanna do." He said, his voice wavering.

He looked sad and it was tearing me up inside, knowing I'm making him feel this way, when I'm lying.

"Is that how all of you feel?" He asked cracking his knuckles nervously.

What you talking 'bout?

Why the hell is there this black accent in my head, that's always talking shit.

I'm your subconscious and I ain't talking no shit, you just thinking shit.

Now, I'm confused...

"I mean am I pressuring you guys to do stuff." Emmett explained further.

I must have said that out loud.

Damn right you did.

"No no not at all, I just didn't think it was a big deal, that's why I went...and sorry for ruining your...makeout session." I mumbled the last part, it hurt to even say it.

His looks softened. "You'll always be more important to me than those flicks, don't ever apologise for something like that, ever.".

When he said that, I felt happy for some reason.

"Thankyou." I said and began walking away.

"Wait!!!" He yelled after me and I turned to him. "Aren't you joining us at the front?" He asked confused and my eyes widened.

"Umm no, I have...a test...early today so I have for it." I said, quickly thinking of an excuse.

"Bu-" he started but I cut him off, "bye!!!" I yelled as I sprinted off in the other direction.

I quickly got into the classroom and sat on one of the chairs at the back. I put my head on the table and sighed. What the hell is going on in my life?

Pretty soon, Juls is gonna pry the information out of me and so will Samantha.

And as soon as I get home, Fred is gonna ask me too. Then he'll lecture me on how I should stop showing my feelings.

I groaned and banged my head on the table. I groaned again, from the pain I got after banging my head on the table.

"I'm guessing Princess Lily is having a bad day..." A voice slurred in my ear and I jolted from my seat in shock. Maybe a little too fast, cause next thing I landed on the floor.

"So tell me love, what's bothering you?" He asked as he held his head on his palm expectantly.

I instantly knew who he was. I scowled at him.

"You have some nerve talking to me again after what you did." I sneered at  him menacingly.

"Woah, easy almost sounds like you don't want me here." He said pouting, with a hand on his heart.

"Leave me alone, we're over remember?" I glared at him with every fibre of hatred in my body.

"That wasn't my decision to make." He shrugged and I gawked at him.

"You broke up with me!" I yelled in irritation. "That's because you hurt my feelings babe." He said with fake hurt.

I hurt his feelings? Ugh hell noo. If he keeps up with this shit, I'm gonna be hurting way more than his feelings...

" were the one who...who..." I just couldn't bring myself to say the words. Those were days I wanted to forget.

"Who what Lily?" He asked smiling sweetly at me. I only glared at him. I've always dreamt of actually shooting daggers with my eyes, but then again, that wouldn't be safe...especially for him.

"Don't worry your pretty little head princess-" He began patting my head and I swatted his hand away.

"-I promise to give you a second chance." He finished as he gave me a pitiful face.

A second chance? Last straw bitch!!!

I lunged at him and instantly tried to grab his neck. He simply held my hands in the air with a smug smirk on  his face.

Oh how I wanted to wipe that smirk of his face...

"Throwing yourself at me already? I thought you would atleast try to have a little class."

"Justin...I'm gonna say this once, don't ever try to talk to me or think for any reason, that I'm trying to get back together with you" I said lowly, looking at him in the eye.

He was about to say something, but then the bell rung and students filed into the class.

I quickly withdrew my hands from his grip and sat back in my chair. He sat on the chair beside me and I groaned.

I was about to move to another chair, but then the teacher walked in, causing the whole class to quiet down.

And that my friends is how I got stuck  in a class with...none other than,

Justin Casey. My one and only Ex...

Sorry for the short chapter guys!!!
Hope you liked this chapter.
Word count: 939 words.

Please don't forget to comment and vote.
Enjoy my lovelies🤗


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