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This chapter is dedicated to jenifer_maria_dsouza

Lily's pov.

I can't believe he just appeared.

Well, speak of the devil.

"Having a bad day?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Can I show you something?t" He asked.

"Like what?" I queried nervously. "Well...somewhere." He pointed out and I weighed my options. It's not like he could kill me, right?

He put his hand out for me and I put my hand in his hand cautiously.

I didn't trust him that well but I had to atleast spend time with him, for this to actually work.

He led me to his car and I sat in the passenger seat, while he sat in the drivers seat.

"Where are we going?" I asked and he shook his head, but kept silent.

I shrugged and put on the radio, the song 'Rooftop' by Clara Mae came on. Justin was about to switch it off but I swatted his hand away, I know it's his car but I love this song.

It was one of the songs I played during my breakup. I sang along with the lyrics.

Hurts like hell, like nothing I've ever felt.

Why am I doing it to myself? When I know that you're doubting, you're tired of trying.

Up on that rooftop, you told me that you don't care, turned all the lights off, so where do we go from here?

Up on that rooftop, you told me that you don't care, turned all the lights off, so where do we go from here?

I continued to sing along to the song and soon it ended. The news came on and I scowled, switching off the radio in the process.

"Your voice is nice." Seth said quietly. "Thankyou...I used to study music, I wanted to be a singer but then I decided to be...something else instead." I said with a tight smile.

"What's that?" He asked looking at me momentarily before looking back at the road.

"I dunno..." I murmured and stared out of the window. I gasped just as the car slowed to a stop.

I got out of the car with my mouth hanging open.

"It's beautiful." I whispered taking in my surroundings. It was just a clear road, but it was beautiful.

The sun was setting, making it look like if you drove far enough, you would reach the sun.

He started rummaging in the backseat of his car, while I continued to gawk at our surroundings

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He started rummaging in the backseat of his car, while I continued to gawk at our surroundings.

Sure, it wasn't like all the beautiful places in the movies, but it was one of the most beautiful places I've seen so far.

"Here!" Seth yelled and I turned to see him getting flares out of the car. "What are we doing with those?" I asked and he smiled handing one over to me.

"My brother and I used to do this and it's so fun, none of the guys ever wanted to try it so I thought you would." He smiled and I smiled taking it from him.

He lit his flare and lit mine. "Get in the car!" He yelled and jumped into the drivers seat while I got into the passengers seat.

Suddenly the roof of the car opened and he started driving.

"Stand up!" He yelled and I did, soon he did the same while keeping a steady grip on the steering wheel.

He put his other arm in the air, the one that was holding the flare. I raised mine as well.

The flare was burning brighter as the wind blew past it, my braids flew behind me and I opened my mouth and yelled at the top of my lungs.

I felt wild.

I felt savage.

Like nobody was controlling me.

I felt FREE.

We were driving at a quick pace with our upper bodies out and free in the wind, while our flares cackled above us.

I turned to look at Seth, the setting sun was shining on his face, making it look like he was a sun on his own. It wasn't too far from the truth anyway, cause he definitely brightened my day.

He looked at me at that exact moment and he smiled brightly. His eyes moved to my lips and back to my eyes so quickly I wasn't even sure it ever happened.

"You look beautiful." He whispered softly and I felt a cage in my heart open and butterflies began fluttering around in my stomach aimlessly.

"You too." I murmured and he hummed before staring back in the distance, the car slowing down considerably.

He got back in the car and I followed suit. We both stuck our flares out the window and waved it around, putting out the flame.

He threw his flame in the backseat and I kept mine beside me.

He turned the car around and head in the opposite direction, to our homes.

The car was silent, not an uncomfortable silence tho. Just a peaceful atmosphere.

He took us home and dropped me infront of my house.

"Thankyou for everything Seth." I said with my hand hovering over the handle of the car door.

"Anytime." He answered and I smiled before I stepped out the door. I walked over to my front door and turned around to wave at him one more time.

He did a small wave back and pulled out of my driveway just as I stepped into my house.

"Where were you?" My mom asked immediately, worry evident in her voice.

"With someone, don't worry mom, Good night." I said softly. "Aren't you having dinner?" My mom asked and I shook my head, making my way upstairs. "Not hungry."

I entered my room to see Kristine towel-drying her hair on her bed. I didn't say anything and neither did she.

I quickly took a shower and brushed my teeth. When I got out of the bathroom, Kristine was already asleep.


I crawled into my bed and smiled as I remembered everything that happened today.

I don't think It'll be very hard hanging out with Seth.

No, not at all.

I hope you like this chapter as much as I do.😟
Word count:1014 words

Enjoy my lovelies🤗


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