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Sorry that it took so long to update, I had Wi-Fi problems.😓

"Where'd you go?" Kristine asked immediately I stepped into the house.

"Good to see you to." I answered bluntly as I sat on the couch and began flipping through channels with the remote.

She hissed but joined me on the couch as I tried to find a nice show.

I stopped when I found grown-ish and made myself comfortable on the couch.

"Are you girls hungry?" My mom yelled.

"Noo!!" We yelled back, with our eyes still glued to the tv.

I happened to get a drink and some chips at McDonald's before getting here.

We sat there wordlessly until it was dinnertime.

I decided to go take a shower before coming for dinner, so I made my way upstairs and closed my window, before I started changing.

I don't need another reason for Wendy's bitchy sister to think I'm stealing Fred.

I took a shower and changed to pajamas before climbing downstairs.

"Does she really like that Seth boy?" I heard a hushed voice say.

"I don't even know anymore." Another hushed voice said.

I decided to make my presence known in this moment.

"THE QUEEN HAS ARRIVED, ALL HUMBLE SERVANTS MUST BOW!" I yelled in the strongest French accent I could muster.

"The only thing that'll be bowing to you anytime soon are dead flowers." Kristine scoffed and popped a piece of beef jerkey into her mouth.

I let my mouth hang low. Slightly offended right now...

"The food's to far away to get in your mouth, come sit." My mom stated nonchalantly and I reluctantly obliged.

"Could you pass some sauce?" I asked Kristine and she nodded.


I shook my head at her. "Tsk tsk, you mean 'yes your majesty" I corrected her like a child.

She just stared at me, then returned the bottle of saucy back to the other side of the table.

"You little shit." I cursed under my breath, so my mother wouldn't hear me.

She simply stuck a tongue out at me before turning her full attention back to the food infront of her.

I finished my food without a word and got up to wash my plate.

"So the queen can do the dishes?" Kristine asked sarcastically from behind me. I only scowled as a response and continued my task.

Deceitful bitch is trying to get under my skin.

I finished washing my plate and I went back upstairs.

I crawled into my bed not giving a care in the world as I let my mind trace back the events of the day.

A small smile graced my lips as I thought about what happened at the beach.

With that last thought I fell into a well anticipated sleep.


I woke up with this nagging feeling at the back of my head, like something was very wrong with today.

That's when I realized...

Today is Monday.

The day every child wishes they could just die and resurrect on Tuesday.

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