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Lily's pov.

It's my history period, the only period that I don't feel guilty being late for.

First of all, cause it's history and second of all, cause it's the only class I have with Justin.

I stepped into the classroom just as the second bell rang to signal that you're late.

"That was a little too close, wasn't it Miss Hart." My teacher remarked, giving me a distasteful look.

Like the way I look at her board when she teaches.

I took a seat without giving her a response and took out my stuff for the lesson.

If she was planning to get a reaction out of me...her disappointment wasn't obvious as she just continued on with the lesson.

I scanned the classroom but didn't see Justin.

That's strange...

He usually never passes an opportunity to press my buttons or annoy me to no fucking ends.

So why stop now?

Some things just ain't adding up...

I made sure to pay extra attention in class, I'm sure that we'll have a pop quiz next week. We've already had 2 periods without any pop quizzes.

A history teacher can only endure so much.

So for the rest of the period, I put all my attention on the teacher. As traumatizing as it is, i know I have to.


(After school)

I walked out of the school building with my head in a frenzy. Paying attention to all my teachers litterally fried my brain.

With my fucked up vision, I briefly saw Justin leaning on his car and looking around as if searching for something.


How come I didn't see him in class? He just ditched for no reason?


It's not like I'm supposed to care or anything.

I continued to walk until I stopped in my spot.

You see...moving objects will continue to move in the same direction unless obstructed by an ulterior movement.

And that is why I am no longer walking.

I decided to turn around to see the cause of this obstruction and instantly my face hardens.

"Get your hands off me Justin." I sneered at him, but his hands stayed transfixed on my shoulders.

"Please just come with me. We need to go now." He rushed out with his fingers shaking and eyes frantic.

Whatever this boy is on, is not working out in his favour.

"Justin calm down." He took deep breaths and evened his breathing.

"Now fuck off."

"So blunt." He murmured and held my hand to guide me towards his car.

I yanked my hand back. Bastard.

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" I yelled but gasped as I noticed the unshed tears in his eyes.

But...what's he really on?

"Please please please...i-it's Sophie." His voice cracked at the end and I knew ny walls had crumbled.


I found myself climbing into the passenger seat of his car and putting on my seatbelt as he revved the engine.

It was a silent ride there, which was good cause I needed some time to think.

Sophie is Justin's younger sister, she's been battling with cancer since she was nine years old and now she's twelve.

I used to visit her atleast five times a week but ever since Justin and I broke up, I never stepped foot inside that hospital.

"She really wanted to see you." Justin's  quiet voice filled the silent air in the car. I didn't answer and just continued to stare out of the window.

"I'm really grateful that you came." He said again and my lip twitched with apprehension.

"Cool, just remember I'm only coming for Sophie." I replied with a monotone voice.

"Sophie...she's getting worse." He murmured and my breath caught in my throat.

"H-how?" I found myself replying against my better judgement.

"These few months she hasn't been responding adequately to treatment and she has been having constant issues with her breathing....too constant." He whispered the last part, but I heard it and each word was like a stab to my heart.

I didn't say anything and neither did he. We continued the ride silently, both wallowing in our inner thoughts.

We soon reached the hospital and immediately he parked the car, I jumped out without bothering to check if he was behind me.

Where else would he be?

I strutted down the familiar hallways till I was infront of her door.

I knocked once then used my fist to slam the door gently before knocking again.

It was how did knew it was me.

"Lily?" I hear her quiet voice from inside and took that as my permission to come in.

I stepped into the warm room and my eyes were quick to locate her small figure in the bed.

Her skin was pale and there were purple bags under her eyes, her lips were white and chapped. Her head was bare of any hair but she managed to still look beautiful, especially with the huge smile on her face right now.

"Lily!" I wasted no time to embrace her in a well delayed hug.

"I missed you Soph." I whispered close to her ear as she said something incohorent into my hair.

I pulled away as a quiet sniffle escaped my nose.

"Why haven't you been visiting? Were you fed up with me?" If her voice wasn't ebough to get me crying, then the unmistakable tears running down her cheeks was more than enough to get me on my knees bawling.

"Nooo I could never be fed up of you." I said in a voice that was similar to Justin's broken voice moments ago.

"Then why did you stop coming?" She held her knees to her chest.

"Cause your brother and I broke up." I said softly sitting on the side of her bed.

"So you were only coming cause you were dating my brother?" She sniffed loudly and my eyes widened at her latest suspicion.

"No off course not, I didn't think he would want me near you after our little fall out." I assured her honestly.

Well honest apart from the fall out part. Understatement of the universe.

"Doesn't matter what he wants, anyone I want can walk through that door, if he has a problem with it, he can walk out of it." She stated firmly pointing at the door.

I smiled through my teary eyes and took her cold hands in mine.

"So let's catch up, shall we?"

Song of this chapter:Ghost by AU/RA and Alan Walker.
Word count: 1099 words

Enjoy my lovelies🤗


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