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Lily's pov.

Hangover. Check!

Bad breath. Check!

My room...not check!

Where the hell am I?!!

I sat up and rubbed my head.

"Good morning party animal." Fred chuckled walking into my room.

Did I say my room? This doesn't look like my room.

And that's when it hit me, the excruciating yet very familiar pain in my head. I sunk my head deeper into my pillow and groaned.

"You know you could fuck off anytime now. You have school in a few minutes and you haven't even started getting ready." He stated popping popcorn into my mouth.

Now why did I decide to go to a party on a school night again?

Cause you're stupid...


I sat up in bed and groaned then slid back down.

Fred was beside me in a matter of seconds, holding a white pill in the palm of his hand and a glass of water in the other.

I immediately took the pill and gulped it down with the water, my eyes closing instinctively.

If there's one thing I hate, it's taking pills and tablets. I just hate the feeling of swallowing medication.

I didn't feel any better but I knew the pill wasn't magic and I had to wait before it actually kicks in.

I opened my eyes again and just stared at him.

I lifted the cover from my body to see that I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday.

"Did I do anything stupid?" I managed to grumble outin a voice that made me cringe.

"No not stupid...only crazy." He answered smiling popping another piece of popcorn into his mouth.

"Well thanks for this but I better go." I murmured standing up.

"Yeah you should." He frowned, looking at how watch.

I moved slowly towards the window and suddenly broke into a run, I grabbed the box of popcorn from his hand and jumped out of the window before he could register what just happened.

I don't think I've ever climbed the window that fast but I blame it on the adrenaline.

I landed in my room with a satisfied smile on my face before quickly turning around and locking the window.

I gave him a smug smile before closing the curtain.

I took a warm shower and brushed my teeth. I put on a black fitted tanktop, a pair of white and black striped jeans and black sandals. I finished the look with sunglasses.

 I finished the look with sunglasses

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