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Pic of Fred above^

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I was walking back home, Juls couldn't drive me cuz she had business to attend to.

I'm sure I looked like I was drowned cause I felt exhausted.

I opened my front door and immediately went upstairs.

I plopped on my bed and starred at the ceiling.

"Lily darling are you there?" My mom asked sweetly as she opened the door slowly.

Guess she didn't want to see, something she couldn't unsee.

"I'm here mom." I said exhaustedly."Sweety how was school?" My mom asked.

"It was one of those days..." I said sighing." Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

While to other people, one of those days, signifies your period, well for me, it signifies my gym period.

She began closing the door but quickly whipped it open again.

"Oh I forgot to tell you, your cousin is coming over tomorrow."

"Seriously?!" I said in excitement, but it quickly changed to sadness when I saw the expression on her face.

"It's happening again, isnt it?" My mom nodded her head slowly and I bit my lower lip.

"They'll figure it out." I murmured more to myself, so I could make myself believe it.

Kristine is coming over...

I was about to ask my mom something before I realized she already left.

So I continued to stare at my ceiling, but I was interrupted from my thoughts, when I heard my window shuttle shake.

There was Fred climbing into my room through my window.

Fred and I were neighbours if I haven't mentioned it before.

I've known him the longest out of all of my friends and he's, by far the closest to me

"I told you to not just climb into my room, what if I'm changing?" I tried to talk some sense into the moron who was sitting on my window ledge.

"Then I would see that." He said as he hopped of the window and plopped on my bed.

Wait, what?

"Do you can...see me..." I started awkwardly but he caught me off.

"Don't even bother asking, cause I won't even answer you" He said nonchalantly.

Sometimes I wonder if he even feels emotions.

"Watcha thinking bout shorty?" He asked as he draped his arm over my shoulder. I scowled at the nickname.

Me? Short? As if...

"Is it Emmett?" He asked in amusement and I froze. He started laughing and I slapped his shoulder, scowling even harder, which I don't think is humanly possible.

Emmett is my...umm crush? Of some sort. All of my friends know, well except him, I hope...

They promised to never tell a soul, so I feel my secret is pretty safe.

"You know if he ever finds out about this and he doesn't feel the same, it could break up the whole group." Fred said like the asshole he is.

"Yes, I do know that." I spat out in spite.

"So why?" He asked as he starred directly into my eyes.

"Is it really worth it?"...


"Ooh, what's this?" The boy said holding up my diary like it was some toy.

"Give it back you...*me not knowing any word to insult him with*...potato!!" I screamed as I tried to grab it but he held it higher.

"Or what?...are you going to..." he paused as he flipped through the pages and I lunged at him again but he held it incredibly higher.

"...smack us with your *fake gasp* brand new Bratz doll" he said in fear, that I knew all too well was fake.

Everyone laughed and I could feel my tears threatening to spill.

"Hey!!!...Leave her alone!" A boy yelled as he came closer to us. "Well if it isn't her knight in shining-" the boy began but couldn't complete because the other boy punched him straight in the face.

He fell on the floor in an instant and sadly, but not sadly, didn't get up.

"Are you okay Lily?" He asked as he stepped over his body.

How did he know my name?

"Y-yes." I managed to choke out despite the sob that was escaping my lips.

"It's okay...let it out." He said as he hugged me and I cried into his shoulder.

I cried for like 15 minutes but despite my unstoppable cries, I was able to hear him murmur...

"I'm Emmett..."


"Yes, yes it is." I answered nodding and he sighed.

"Whatever floats your boat." He shrugged as he laid on my bed and spread out his arms.

I simply scurried to the edge and folded myself into a ball.

"You know you missed my stunt right?" He said and I blinked.

"Impossible..." I began scrolling through my Ig page and sure enough, there on his status, was a video of him with a skateboard, posted an hour ago.

"That was last period, where were you?" He asked.

"Gym...I had to run 10 laps" I said as I copied his position. He visibly shuddered in disgust.

"Sorry...but you're still coming for the party right?" He asked with furrowed brows.

"Yeah! What time does it start?" I asked as I scrambled off my bed

"It starts by 8." He informed as he began climbing out my window.

"Oh my God it's 6:49!!!" I screamed and I heard him chuckle and the window rattle, signalling he had left.

I haven't even had lunch yet...

Word count: 922 words

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Hope you liked this chapter.🤗

XOXO- Lily💙

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