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You guys should listen to 'my future' by Billie Eillish. My heart tho😢❤❤

Emmett's p.o.v.

I was chilling by my car and waiting for Damien to finish his football practice so we could go play video games at my place. Fred said he wasn't coming cause he had somewhere to be. I tried to ask but he just shrugged it off.

I looked over at the poolside where the swim team were practicing and watched Lily climb out of the pool.

It was a sight I had to admit. The sun kissing her caramel skin, making it seem like she was glowing.

Oh and it was a nice bathing suit tho.

I knew I shouldn't be thinking such sinister thoughts about her cause we're just friends and for the fact that I like someone else.

I saw Justin make his way over to her as she was heading to the changing rooms.

I instantly knew that was bad news.

I made my way over there and heard him say.

"Now Lily you're going to give to me what you didn't years ago."

That was enough to fuel me with anger and I pulled him off her by the collar.

She looked shocked that she was able to do that, she was staring at her hands intently, like she had powers.

She looked up at me and maybe then she realized that she didn't have powers.

"What the fuck dude!" Justin yelled trying to get out of my grip.

"You better not fucking touch her ever again.!" I yelled in his face angrily and shoved him on the ground.

"So are you guys like a couple or something?" He asked casually as he brushed the dust from his jeans while he picked himself up.

"I don't want to ever see you near her ever again." I gritted out, desperately trying to keep my cool.

"You know you and your friends can't protect her forever." He smiled and walked away.

I wanted to follow him and give him a piece of my mind and fist, they're a two-in-one package after all. That was when I realized the audience infront of me. Why do I always forget that this is highschool, the mall of gossip where there's always discount for interesting information.

I turned back to Lily and it was like she was stuck in her own little world.

My eyes trailed down her body...and before you can say anything, please don't forget who I am.

"Umm-you should probably go change." I mumbled and snapped her out of her trance.

"Y-yeah." She walked into the changing room and closed the door behind her.

The crowd started to disperse as they realized the show is over. But there was this one kid tho who was still standing there. I raised an eyebrow at him and he scrambled away, the second he caught my gaze.

I waited a little bit more for her to come out and when she did, she kept her head to the ground.

"Why don't I give you a ride back?" I asked her and she nodded.

I began walking to my car, I turned around and she was still in the same position.

Okay this is normal...right?

I went back and grabbed her hand, leading her to my car. I opened the door for her and she got in then I got into the drivers seat.

I began driving her back to her house and I swear I wanted to start a conversation but I didn't know what to say.

"Thank you..." she started and I looked over at her.

"...for what you-Oh my God!! Eyes on the road!!!" She yelled and I instantly turned my attention back to the road.

She giggled and I laughed as well. We were both just laughing until it wasn't funny anymore.

"Thanks for what you did back there." She said still smiling. I didn't look at her this time tho. "No problem." I answered as I pulled up at her house.

"Bye." She began climbing out of the car.

I nodded before pulling out of her drive way and making my way to my house.

Lily is really special to me and I wouldn't let anything happen to her.

So if that bastard called Justin tries to do anything to her, I'm gonna make sure he gets what's coming to him.

She really is a very good friend to me and I know she'll always be my friend. Infact one day I might even gather up the courage to tell her who I like, but she'll probably not wanna hear it.

She must not want anything to do with relationships after what happened with her and Justin. I just hope my girl will be open to a relationship.

Yesterday I decided that I would stop being a player to show her that I'm ready to be in a relationship, but I don't know if she's as open to a relationship as I am.

But I hope so tho, cause she really is special to me.

I'll tell her one day, I can already feel goosebumps rising on my skin from the mere thought of telling her how I feel.

Before I knew it, I was pulling into my driveway. I opened my door and went to my room after greeting my mother.

Damien was already there with fortnite set up and I got out my Fifa2020 so we could play it after.

"What took you so long dude?" He asked as he passed me a controller.

I grabbed it and sat beside him on the beanbag.

"I had to attend to." I smirked as I pressed start.

"I'm not going easy on you." Damien said fumbling with his controller.

"It's not like you ever do..." I mumbled and he laughed as I got my first hit. I can already tell things are gonna be going my way for this game.

*insert sadistic smile here*


My first boy's pov.

How'd you guys like Emmett, I personally hate him tho.😏

Hope you guys like this capter.
Word count:1028 words.

Enjoy my lovelies🤗


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