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Lily's p.o.v.

I walked over to the bleachers at the back of the school where my friends and I hangout on our Tuesday last period.

I spotted them at our usual spot and walked over to them while smiling.

"Why are you smiling peacock? Did Seth Andrews tickle your feathers?" Julika scoffed the second I got within hearing range.

Her tone was more of cruel than playful, which got me confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked while looking at Fred and Damien in confusion.

They also looked a little pissed off.

"So when were you planning on telling us you were dating Seth Andrews?"

My heart literally dropped into my stomach.

I completely forgot to tell them. Everything was just happening so fast.

"I can totally explain." I quickly said and she just rolled her eyes.

"Well I guess it would be better to hear it from you than from half of the school talking about how you guys went at it raw infront of the cafeteria."

I know I made a mistake but I feel really bad about the way she's handling this.

"He just asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday and I was already planning on telling you today." I explained carefully.

I lied, so what?

"Wait, when did you guys even start talking?" Damien asked and I shrugged.

"A couple of weeks ago."

Fred straightened up immediately.

"You started talking a few weeks ago and now you guys are dating? Lily I know you know who he is so why are you doing this?" Fred asked calmly, like he was trying to be blunt but not hurt my feelings.

I deeply appreciate that.

"I really like him and he's actually really nice-" I tried to explain but was cut off.

"Lily this is what he makes himself out to be. He's a player, this is what he does. He tricks girls into thinking he's sweet then breaks their hearts. Are you really dumb enough to fall for that?" Juls snapped while staring at me like I just grew a third leg.

"He really likes me-" I tried but was cut off again.

"He's the best friend of Justin. Your ex. Who probably told him to mess with you." Damien suggested and I shook the though out of my head.

I hadn't even thought of that, would Seth really do that?

"Better go dump his ass before he does." Juls quipped and I suddenly felt angry.

Really angry.

"People change Julika!" I yelled at her and she got up.

"No they don't Lily! Stop lying to yourself! He doesn't love you! We're all players here so we know what we're saying! You're the innocent, naive one so listen up! He. Is. Playing. With. You."

"You can't assume what someone is doing just because it's what you would do!" I yelled back, defending him despite that nagging voice at the back of my head telling me they were right.

"He's a player! Off course we know what he's doing! We're all players!" She said while gesturing to Fred and Damien, who looked more like they wanted to argue with that.

I was about to speak but was interrupted by someone behind me.

My God, if I'm interrupted by one more person I'm just gonna-


That voice sounds familiar though.

I turned around to see Wendy, with the most broken look on her face, wearing a casual sports outfit.

No-one said anything so she continued.

"Fred?" She asked, her voice breaking a little.

"Let me explain-" he tried but Damien decided to speak for him.

" landed another chick and you didn't tell us, that's harsh. Butyou're done with her right? If you'renot, there are plentyothergirls, I mean-" He was cut off from his rambling by Wendy.

"You're a player?!!" She screamed and we all flinched.

"This was all a game to you?!! You were just playing?!! I thought we were something to you?!!" She screamed and I tried to ignore the crack in her voice.


But she already took off running back into the school.

Fred quickly chased after her, leaving Julika, Damien and I alone.

"Who the hell is she?" Julika asked as she watched them both dissappear.

I decided not to tell them because it wasn't really my secret to tell.

"So Lily I hope you understand what I said." Juls said after a few minutes of silence.

"I can change him."

She suddenly began laughing hysterically.

"I'm sorry, you sound so much like those pick me girls in teen romance movies. I can fix him." She mocked me in an annoying baby voice.

"You don't get it. I didn't mean I would change him, I meant he could change for me."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!! You're not the first girl he has dated!!! What makes you think you're any different?!! You think you're special?!!" She yelled and I felt my heart break.

Hearing those words leave her mouth was like a blow to my chest. It was almost hard to breathe.

"Juls I think you need to calm down."

"Calm down?!! She-"

"Calm. down." Damien warned, his voice devilishly low. It's very few times he uses this tone so when he does, we know he's serious.

"I'm leaving." I stated and began walking away, ignoring the pain I felt because they didn't try to stop me.

Infact, it doesn't matter, I have a real friend who needs my help so I'll go look for him.

I'm coming Fred.


"How about I talk to her?" I offered and he snapped his head from his hands immediately.

"You would really do that?" He sniffed with hope in his eyes.

After finding him crying in the boys bathroom...

You heard me, I'm in the boys bathroom. If you have a childhood bestfriend you would understand that you need to risk it all when they're in pain.

"I love you so much thankyou!!" He smiled through his tears.

"What are bestfriends for?" I wiped his tears and frowned at his red swollen eyes.

This is not how I like to see my bestie.

Fred had just told me that she didn't bother to let him explain and had just left, but not before telling him how much of a crappy person he was.

I don't know if I blame her or not, she's hurt, that much I can understand.

"I should've listened to you when you told me to tell her, then she wouldn't have had to find out like this." He sobbed and I shook my head.

"Now is not the time to blame yourself, we need to get your girl back so pull yourself together."

Word count:1129 words

Enjoy my lovelies🤗,


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