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"Has he not woken yet?" I asked as I entered the room where Frodo lay, only Gandalf stayed to watch over him as he believes he owns this to Frodo as he didn't meet them at the prancing pony, hearing my voice got his attention as he smiled at me.

It's not a rare occasion for me to wear a dress as I spend most of my time within Rivendell but some days I do spend hunting with Aragorn or Arwen.

The fabric was pale pink, covering my shoulder and trailing along the floor while my feet were left bare, the selves and the top of the dress decorated with lace flowers and since I was a queen but since I wasn't doing any duties I just had on a leaf tiara with diamonds, which was held up by my hair being in an updo.

"No he has not" Gandalf started with a puff of his pipe "but you did get him here just in time" I smiled as I take a seat on the edge of Frodo's bed.

"I would not have to if I was able to heal people properly" I signed.

"You will in time, it takes practice" Gandalf spoke calmly.

"Thank you Olórin" I tell him.

"I have not heard that name for a long time".

"You go by so many it's hard to-" I was cut off by a little squeak from Sebastian who comes running into the room straight up to me wanting to be picked up, only to get interrupted by the rustling of bed sheets.

"Where am I?" the tired voice of Frodo questioned ending our conversation as we look towards the small halfling, I smiled as I stood up and moved to stand in front of the bed.

"You are in the house of Elrond" Gandalf responded "it is 10:00 in the morning on October 24th, if you want to know" the hobbit eyes fluttered open landing on the wizard.

"Gandalf?" he breathed watching his friend nod.

"Yes, I'm here" Gandalf started "and you're lucky to be here too".

"Yes indeed" I add causing Frodo's head to snap towards me.

"Frodo may I introduce you to Elanor the Queen of Alqualondë".

"A pleasure to meet you Frodo" I smiled only to get a slight bite to my finger "and this is Sebastian," I tell Frodo letting go of Sebastian who runs across the bed up to Frodo's knees sitting there.

"A few more hours and you would have been beyond our aid" Gandalf informed Frodo "but you have some strength in you my dear hobbit" Frodo let out a shaking breath as he slowly sits up then looks at Gandalf with wide eyes.

"What happened Gandalf" he questioned, causing the wizard's smile to falter "why didn't you meet us?"

With caution, I moved my blue eyes to the wizard, watching the betrayal and deceit play forward on his mind.

"Saruman has betrayed us" the voice of the wizard fills my head.

"It was only a matter of time" I answered, closing my eyes in defeat even though I knew it was coming.

"I'm sorry Frodo" he started while letting out a breath "I was delayed".

"Gandalf?" Came Frodo's soft question as he sees the distress on mine and Gandalf's face "what is it?"

"Nothing" I muttered forcing a smile on my pink lips "nothing to concern yourself about".

"Frodo!" Sam yelled as he sprints into the room instantly taking Frodo's hand.

"Sam" Frodo breathed.

"Bless you, you're awake!"

"Sam has hardly left your side" Gandalf told Frodo making his smile grow.

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