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"Edoras" Gandalf stated as we looked on at the city forming in front of us, I peaked over Aragorn's shoulder, smirking when I saw Sebastian crawl up to sit on the ranger's head, hearing Aragorn let out a breath of irritation making me smile as I pulled the hedgehog away "and the golden hall of Meduseld, there dwells Théoden, King of Rohan, whose mind is overthrown". 

"Saruman's hold over King Théoden is now very strong" Gandalf continued "be careful what you say, do not look for welcome here" we pressed forward, entering the city as its flag fell to the ground, leaving Aragorn to watch on as it went, my eyes scanned the destroyed people, feeling their grief as my own making my heart ache, the air was thick like a morning spring that was still poisoned by the winter air. 

"You find more cheer in a graveyard" Gimli mumbled as he looked on at the faces of darkness, I slowly nodded as I looked on, seeing the rags that clung to the weak bodies of Rohan's people as though they were drowning in the fabric. 

"Are you alright?" Aragorn whispered to me, looking back at me, I slowly shook my head as I rested against his back. 

"I don't like it here," I mumbled as I continues to look at the people, Aragorn slowly nodded as he got off Hasufel, taking hold of my waist to help me down "I can feel their despair as though it is my own" Aragorn placed a kiss on top of my head before we joined the group walking up the stairs, just as we reached the door, it opened for three soldiers to walk out in front of us.

"I cannot allow you before Théoden King so armed, Gandalf Greyhame," the middle soldier stated making the wizard's smile falter "by order of Grima Wormtonuge".

Gandalf slowly nodded to each of us, causing our weapons to be shed from our bodies, I let out a breath of irritation when the men ignored the sword on my waist until I took it out and handed it to him, the soldier let out a laugh making my eyes grow large.

"I do not know what is so funny to you?" I questioned.

"You are a woman," he stated and took a step towards me "you hold no threat to me".

That is when Aragorn's sword landed at his throat making all eyes grow large.

"I would not antagonize her," he ordered making the soldier quickly back away and take my sword from me, I smirked as I shed the rest of my weapons, smiling as I felt Sebastian crawl down my back and into his pocket, Gandalf started to move but was stopped. 

"Your staff," he asked, making my eyes slowly peak as the wizard as he looked on in disdain. 

"You would not part an old man from his walking stick?" Gandalf stated with a kind smile, the solider looked at the white staff with caution before slowly nodding, holding back a laugh as Gandalf looked at me sending me a wink before taking hold of Legola's arm which allowed him to be lead into the hall, my eyes cast over all who had gathered before landing on the ill King, he was hunched over in his throne, his face covered in wrinkles with hair falling long and white down his body but it was the man who was whispering in his ear with an oily appearance that drew my attention. 

"The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late Théoden King" Gandalf called to him causing a small grumble of words to fall from the King's lips. 

"Why should I welcome you Gandalf Stormcrow?" He questioned while looking at the man at his side. 

"A just question my liege," the oily man spoke making my bones quiver inside my body from disgust, that was Grima Wormtonuge, I watched as the man came forward walking toward the wizard with an oiled face "late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear". 

The thick sound of footsteps came to my ears making my head turn to see a group of me walking alongside. 

 "Lathspell I name him," Grima accused as he came to stand in front of Gandalf "ill news is an ill guest". 

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