The sword that was broken

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I looked around the encampment as we rode through it, taking in how few men had come. 

"Grimbold, how many?" The King questioned his soldier as we rode past.

"I bring 500 men from Westfold, my Lord" Grimbold responded making the King slowly nod. 

"We have 300 more from Fenmarch, Théoden King" said another.

"Where are the riders from Snowbourn?" Théoden questioned as he looked around at those who gathered. 

"None have come, my Lord" Grimbold responded as we moved further towards the mountain and dismounted once we were up there. Aragorn and I moved slowly to stand at the edge of the cliff and looked down at the legion of men who had gathered, Théoden stood beside us, taking in everything.

"Six thousand spears" the King muttered "less than half of what I'd hoped for".

"Six thousand will not be enough to break the lines of Mordor" Aragorn responded as I reached for his hand, intertwining our fingers together. 

"More will come" Théoden assured and started to walk away.

"Every hour lost hastens Gondor's defeat" Aragorn responded making the King turn back "we have till dawn then we must ride".

The King looked between the both of us before nodding in agreement, a horse's cry called our attention, making us turn to look at the fidgeting horses, I hurried forward to grab Hasufel's reigns as he let out a call of distress. 

  "Whoa" I breathed and ran my hand up and down his neck "easy-boy-easy".

"The horses are restless and the men are quite" Legolas stated as he came up behind me.

"Odd isn't it" I breathed to the elf and dwarf, watching as they nodded.

"They grow nervous in the shadows of the mountain" Eomer explained from where he placed his saddle . 

"That road there" Gimli stated as he pointed to a small trail between the mountains high walls "were does that lead?"

"That is the road to the Dimhold, the door under the mountain" Legolas muttered, his blue eyes growing wide.

"Now who venture there never return" Eomer stated as he started to walk away "that mountain is evil". 

"I don't think it's evil, just something or somebody is living there" I muttered, now remembering the words Gandalf muttered towards Aragorn and I.

"A different road"

It echoed within my mind as I laid by Aragorn's side that night, restless though sleep did call to me, Aragorn rolled over on the small cot to look at me, his eye narrowing in concern as his arms fell across my waist. 

"I thought you were asleep" he stated watching as I shook my head, Aragorn pulled me into him as his nose fell into my hair that was spread out on the pillow as my hands played with the strings of his shirt as I muttered. 

"Aragorn, I know I've asked this already, but do you really love me?" He pulled away to look down at me, looking back at him with a scared expression.  

"Yes Elanor, I love you" Aragorn stated with a small smile as he traced down my hair line. 

"I love you too" I smiled as I took hold of his hands and held it in mine. 

"Will you try and sleep now" he muttered.

"I will if you will" I breathed and felt Aragorn smiled into my hair as sleep started to take over him, it seemed as though he was sleep for only a moment before he jumped awake, his dagger in hand, jumping up in shock as us two turned to look at the flap to see a solider.

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