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The sound of screams filled my ears, blocking out all other noises that could be possibly heard, the only thing I could focus on was killing, bringing my sword up and slicing whatever was in front or behind me and running through the mass of orcs that were trying to kill me. Running past countless of men, some crying in agony and some dead, looking around, feeling my heart rise in my chest, I had already lost Aragorn. 

"Elanor!" Legolas called, running up behind me and shooting an orc that was about to drive its axe into my leg "I thought we all agreed to stay close!"

"Sometimes you have-" another orc dead "to run to-" another lifeless body fell to the ground "away to save ourselves!" Legolas shot another orc in the throat, causing it to squirm before it fell to the ground, its body twitching.

"I understand that but-"

"Legolas!" I screamed "now is not a good time to have a conversation! In case you haven't noticed, we are in the middle of a battle and I am trying to stay alive so please, shut up!" Legolas went to say something but was stopped when an orc charged at him with it weapon in the air, taking the opportunity to ditch Legolas so that he wouldn't distract himself on me, running in the other direction, killing furiously as I went, the adrenaline pushed through my veins as every step and every breath came to my attention.

After a small amount of time, killing orcs seemed natural, as though none of it needed concentration and that my arms were swinging on their own accord. I wondered if I were ever going to be able to stop as I made my way further into the fields, I saw countless man lying on the ground, but one man caught my attention. Moving over to him, killing as I went whilst I noticed that he was squashed by his own horse, I tried my hardest to look at the man, but orcs were coming at me every second, but I managed to glance over at the man. 

"No" I whispered, looking at the body of King Théoden.

"Elanor, behind you!" I heard someone shout, causing me to turn around and come face to face with an on coming orc, it hit me hard on my shoulder, ripping the skin and hitting the bone with its axe. I screamed in agony, falling to the floor whilst clutching my shoulder, blood pouring on to my hand and down my arm. 

Just as the orc was about to finish me off, it fell down dead, a spear in its back, looking around to see who had saved me, but there were too many men to pinpoint my saviour, but my main thought was Eomer. With a loud grunt, I picked up my sword and stood, my injured arm hanging limply against my body, killing yet another two orcs, before my vision began to blur from the pain but blinked myself back into focus. 

The pain in my shoulder was subdued by the adrenaline that running through my body, but the pain was still there. Looking around, searching for Aragorn, scenarios of him dying or being hit travelled through my mind, causing me to begin to worry, I thought of Gondor, would it still be ruled by a Stuart or will I have to rule on my own. 

 A loud thumping travelled through the ground, causing my eyes to widen, slowly I turned around seeing something I was dreading. 

"Mumakil" I whispered, looking at the beautiful but dangerous Oliphaunts that was heading in my direction, its tusks swinging as it went, with slight pain, I raised my sword and ran towards the elephant, ready to dodge the tusks. Ducking between the tusks of the beast and grabbing on to one and holding on tight until I got my grip, slowly I began to climb up the elephant, trying not to use my arm as much as I could. 

As I reached the elephant's head, I noticed straps tied around its body, clearly holding the construction on its back, killing the man would be the way to kill the beast, noticing a piece of rope hanging from its body, with a deep breath I jumped from its tusk and gripped on to the rope, sliding down whilst giving myself rope burn before I finally got a good grip, moaning at the pain from both of my shoulder and burning hands. 

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