To Arms

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I sat at the table, watching as the children ate hurriedly as though it would disappear from them, Sebastian let out a little squeak drawing the girl's attention, she looked at the hedgehog in shock before her eyes turned wide to me as if questioning what she should do. 

"You can pet him" I smiled as Sebastian went sniffing the girl's hand, I smiled a the girls shifting gaze before letting her small fingers run across the quills, I smirked as I stood, walking over to stand behind Aragorn as he sat at the table opposite them, his pipe gracing his lips. 

"They had no warning," Eowyn's voice came as she looked to her uncle on the throne, holding his head in his hands "they were unarmed, now the wild men are moving through the Westfold, burning as they go".

Aragorn shared a look with me as I placed my hands on his shoulders, smiling as I watched the little girl giggling at Sebastian who had taken to rolling around on the table.

"Rick, cot and tree" Eowyn's muttering came as she placed a green blanket on the girl's shoulders, drawing her attention. 

"Where's mama?" She questioned before gently being hushed by the King's niece, Sebastian slowly nudge the girls hand before climbing down her body to scurry across the floor, all in the hall watched for a moment with a confused gaze as Sebastian came to my legs, brushing against them before I picked him from the grounds, allowing him to sit on my shoulder. 

"This is but a taste of the terror that Saruman will unleash," Gandalf told the King "all the more potent for he is driven now by the fear of Sauron". 

The King of Rohan stared straight ahead not saying anything.

"Ride out and meet him head on," Gandalf advised pulling the Kings attention "draw him away from your women and children, you must fight". 

"You have 2000 good men riding North as we speak," Aragorn stated causing Théoden to look at him "Eomer is loyal to you, his men will return and fight for their King". 

"They only left for loyalty to Rohan" I replied drawing the Kings attention to me "they now work to keep your lands safe but if retuning to you will do greater cause then they will return with great haste".

"They will be 300 leagues from her by now" Theoden muttered while moving to pace in the hall "Eomer cannot help us". 

Gandalf let out a breath as he started to come to the King. 

"I know what it is you want from me" Théoden responded causing the wizard to stop moving "but I will not bring further death to my people, I will not risk open war". 

 "Open war is upon you," Aragorn stated as my hand's grew stronger on his shoulders, standing as a warning to watch as he spoke "whether you would risk it or not" the King of Rohan's face grew stern as he looked to the ranger. 

"When last I looked, Théoden not Aragorn was King of Rohan," he stated causing Aragorn to fall silent, I looked down at him, my fingers moving in small circles as he looked at me. 

"The what is the Kings decision" Gandalf questioned making the King of Rohan think for only a moment.

"We retreat to Helms Deep" Théoden stated and I could see the irritation that formed on the wizards face. 

"Very well" with that he motioned for us to follow, leaving the hall in haste, I felt Aragorn stand falling behind the wizard leaving Legolas, Gimli and I to follow as I listened to the wizard bickering "Helm's Deep, they flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight, who will protect them if not there King".

"He's only doing what he thinks is best for his people" Aragorn remined as we made our way into the stable, I smiled when the sound of Hasufel came to my ears in his stall next to Shadowfax, I smiled as I came to him running my fingers up and down his neck as the conversation continues "Helm's Deep has saved them in the past". 

"There is no way out of that ravine," Gandalf responded as he found his way to Shadowfax "Théoden is walking into a trap, he thinks he's leading them to safety, what they will get is a massacre". 

"They could be stronger than we think" I told him watching as Gandalf slowly nodded, looking back as me as I stood next to mine and Aragorn's horse.

"Théoden has a strong will," Gandalf agreed before letting out a breath "but I fear for him, I fear for the survival of Rohan".

I let out a sharp breath as I looked to Aragorn, I could see it in his eyes, the pressure that was starting to build on him was forming the man into who he was always meant to be, I smirked when I saw Sebastian look at me, licking my check for a moment before going to sit on the horses back. 

"He will need you Aragorn before this is over" Gandalf told him "the people of Rohan will need you, the defences have to hold".

"They will hold," Aragorn replied, trying to break the wizard's doubts, Gandalf slowly nodded as he ran his hand over Shadowfax's neck.

"The grey pilgrim," came his muttering "that's what they used to call me, three hundred lives of men I've walked this earth and now I have no time".

Aragorn smirked as he pulled the gate open watching as Gandalf mounted.

"With luck, my search will no be in vain," the wizard stated as I come to stand next to Aragorn, Gandalf smiled down at us "look to my coming at first light on the fifth day, at dawn look to the east".

"Go" Aragorn ordered with a soft smile watching as the wizard left them once again, I let out a breath as I placed a hand on his arm making him turn to look at me, a sad smile on my lips.

"Why does the world feel colder every time he leaves?" My question came making a small smile appear on Aragorn's lips as his mouth opened to speak the sound of heavy neighs came to our ears making us turn to see a brown steed being forced out of it's stall, fighting as it went, Aragorn watched in concern before moving forward.

"That horse is half mad my Lord," the soldier said as he saw us approach "there's nothing you can do".

"I'm sure he will think of something" I admitted making the man smile as Aragorn approved the beast by muttering words in elvish, I watch with large eyes, pride filling my body as the beast stilled as Aragorn ran a hand down it's neck, pulling the rope away from the horses neck. 

"His name is Brego" came the soft voice next to me, making me turn to look at Eowyn "he was my cousin's horse". 

"Brego?" Aragorn questioned watching as Eowyn nodded. 

"His name is one worthy of Kings" I admitted seeing the smile form on Eowyn's lips, watching as Aragorn spoke in elvish once more. 

"What is he saying?" She asked me making my lips upturn in a small smirk. 

"He's basically just calming him down" I said before walking towards Hasufel, picking up Sebastian and placing him on my shoulder as Aragorn walked towards me only for Sebastian to squeak at him causing me to laugh. 

"It's amazing isn't it," Legolas came and stood next to Eowyn as he got Arod ready to go, my elf ears picking up their conversation and my body facing them "to see a fate come to pass". 

"A fate?" Eowyn questioned making Legolas nod as he walking towards her. 

"When the heir of Isildur sits on the white chair, enthroned at his side, you find a descendant of two of the greatest Valar's" Legolas told her watching us. 

I started to place the saddle on our horse, moving to tie it in place only for Aragorn to quickly unhook it and cause it to fall, sending him a glare as he leaned against the wall of the stall a look of innocence on his face, standing with my hands on my hips.

"Will you stop it" I tried not to laugh but failed causing Aragorn laughed allowing me to start again. 

"So they were made for each other?" Eowyn questioned Legolas causing him to shrug as Eowyn let out a breath as she watched us "have they been together long?" 

Legolas let out a small laugh before walking away but talking to the lady over his shoulder. 

"You could say they've been together all their lives".

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