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I smiled as I weaved through the celebrations, the words of the King echoing through my mind as I went. 

"Hail the victorious dead!" the King called but like Aragorn beside me, the words didn't bring a smile to my lips or allow me to rejoice in the death I have seen, the death of those who died at Helm Deep were not all that flashed through my mind

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"Hail the victorious dead!" the King called but like Aragorn beside me, the words didn't bring a smile to my lips or allow me to rejoice in the death I have seen, the death of those who died at Helm Deep were not all that flashed through my mind. 

I saw death of families, feeling the heat of the flames on my skin and hearing the screams of those around me.

My heart breaking at the though of Haldir and the ones I witnessed and the ones I didn't.

But above all I felt pain for the ones I didn't lose and how grateful I was that he stood across the hall.

"Care to join us Elanor" came a slurred voice making me smirk as my thoughts left me, I turned to look at the dwarf as he sat at a table with an arrangement of pints in front of him, my eyes met the elf's as he brought another cup to his lips causing laughter to fall from my lips. 

It was a drinking game. 

"No, Gimli" I laughed "I think it's best that I don't take part in this, as elves don't get drunk".

"Suit yourself" he groaned as a burp came from the dwarf's lips making me shake my head, placing my hand on Legolas' shoulder as I pass him. 

"She will not be yours" I heard Eowyn say to someone "she belongs to him, heart and soul".

Feeling multiple eyes on me as I walked towards the should-be-King, seeing the smile that formed on his lips as his hands stretched out to me, placing my hand in his in an instant, letting him pull me forward before Aragorn's lips pressed softly to mine, cheers around us filled our ears.

Pulling away from each other and placing my back against Aragorn's chest as he wraps his arms around my waist as we watched Merry and Pippin.

"Oh, you can search far and wide! You can drink the whole town dry!" The hobbits sang as they bounced up and down. 

"But you'll never find a bear so brown as the one we drink in our hometown, you can drink your fancy ales, you can drink 'em by the flagon but the only brew for the braces and true comes from the Green Dragon!"

The song ended with a round of an applause and laughter that made the hobbits smile as they looked around, Pippin sending a rapid wave in the process before the hobbits went back to singing and dancing. 

"You should be looking after your little friend" Aragorn's voice came into my ear making me look at him over my shoulder.

"What friend?" I questioned, making a smirk form on his lips before motioning to our feet, on the ground, half of his body hiding by a cup of mead that I saw him "Sebastian!"

The hedgehog pulled away from the cup of mead, his eyes going in two different directions as half of his quills padded to his body from the alcohol, I watched as he came towards me, swaying back and forth as his little feet crossed each other, I quickly bent down to pick him up, groaning at the stench coming from him. 

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