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As the sun began to rise, I opened my eyes and looking out to the window with a sleepy daze. Today was the day everything would change, rolling over and looking at Aragorn's sleeping figure with a small smile. He looked so peaceful, but I knew that deep down he was worrying about today.

Not wanting to wake him, I carefully pulled myself out of the bed, going into the bathroom and changing into my clothes before walking out of the room quietly. The corridors were still quiet as I wandered over to the Hobbits rooms, as I came to the doors, I was surprised to find all four were all awake, sitting on their bed and talking with each other. 

"Morning Miss Elanor" Sam greeted warmly, sending me a small smile, the other Hobbits greeted me with small smiles upon their lips "why are you up at such early hours?"

"I could be asking you the same question, but I thought it would be best to let Aragorn get some rest" I informed walking over and sitting on Sam's bed "he has a big day ahead of him and Sam you don't have to call me Miss".

"When does it begin?" Frodo asked almost quietly as he looked down at the bed sheet with an emotionless face. Usually, I would have asked if he was alright, but I knew he wasn't. Since the war was over, the Hobbits had, in sense grown up. They were no longer like the rest of the hobbits in the hire, all happy and joyful, they were now more serious and cautious. More aware of Middle Earth. 

"Mid-day" I stated, picking a small thread from my shirt.

"He will make a fine King" Merry stated, looking to me with a small grin "in a way he has always been a King, he gave the men hope when it was not his responsibility, he was always has the peoples best interest at heart" I nodded my head, a small smile upon my lips. 

"He is a good man".

"I don't want to sound rude Elanor, but surely you aren't going to wear your ranger's gear to the coronation?" Pippin said with a small cough

"No, I suppose not".

The hobbits all shared a small chuckle, to which I sent a questioning look to, they simply shook their heads and erupted into another fit of giggles.

"Okay" I said, standing up and raising my hands in front of me "I can tell when something is going on that I don't know about, I will see you at the court at mid-day".

The hobbits nodded their fare wells as I left the room, making my way to the kitchens to get something to eat. Walking past a few people in the corridors as they looked at me with questioning eyes, but I continued to walk, ignoring the stares as I turned the corner with a small smile on my lips. Although people saw me almost every day, they still feared me and only talked to me when necessary. 

Just as I was about to turn another corner when I was suddenly pulled into another room. 

"Hey!" I shouted, looking into the face of Legolas to whom had a smile upon his lips "what are you doing?"

"I am assuming you were going to go and get something to eat?" He asked, motioning to a small table in the middle of the room that had various breakfast items. Gimli, Eowyn, Eomer and Faramir all sat near the table, talking to each other merrily. Smiling gently before going and sitting down on the floor next to Gimli and Eomer. 

"Morning Elanor" Gimli greeted, puffing on his pipe. 

"Morning" I said, noticing Eowyn's hand under the table to which was linked to Faramir's. Looking at Faramir only to notice him already looking at me, sending him a small smirk, to which he returned.

"I wasn't aware that everyone else decided to get up early too" I stated, grabbing a piece of bread with butter and nibbling on the end "only Aragorn is still asleep".

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