Now Comes The Day

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For a while things were quiet and peaceful, we kept our promise and would visit the hobbits every couple of months which giving us enough time to work on our royal duties, raise our children and travel to the shire, but it wasn't until the middle of the third year that things changed. For the first time in over two years Gandalf came to Gondor, a lovely surprise it was but the news he had was not one that made my heart leap.

He had told us that in a few weeks time, the last boat to the undying lands would be leaving and that the elves had offered a place for a few of our friends. The news made my heart drop and it was no question that I would go and say goodbye to our old friends. Aragorn wanted to come but with royal duties and two young children who we want to raise hands on and with little help from a maid. 

Plus Legolas and Gimli were soon to be returning to Gondor and it seemed that I would miss their arrival but I would travel back the quickest I could to see them.

"I'm sorry I can not come" Aragorn muttered in my hair as he pulled me into a hug, the pair of us were outside of the gates as Gandalf and myself were getting ready to leave "Tell Frodo goodbye and that it was a pleasure to be in his company and greet the others for me as well".

"I will, don't miss me too much".

"I love you" Aragorn said calmly, his eyes never leaving mine as I couldn't help but smile. Countless times he had told me he loved me but no matter what, it still made my heart flutter.

"I love you too" I pulled Aragorn into a kiss, savouring the taste of his lips before pulling away "kiss Eldarion and Melian every night and that I love them" with that I mounted Hasufel who we found back at the cliff as I waited for Gandalf.

The wizard moved over to the ranger, placing a hand on his shoulder as he leant in and whispered something to him. Aragorn's eyes widened slightly at Gandalf's words and he looked at the old man with what seemed to be sorrow. Gandalf whispered something else to the man and Aragorn nodded, pulling Gandalf into a hug before the two parted ways. Aragorn sending me one last smile before Gandalf and myself began to leave.

I already know what is going to happen, but I don't think Gandalf can bring himself to say it to my face. 

Along the way Gandalf told me that it was only Bilbo and Frodo who are going to the undying lands and that the other hobbits knew nothing about and it was better this way because if they knew about it they would just worry about it for some time.

  As we reached the Shire, Gandalf and I jumped off Shadowfax, Hasufel and walking up to Bag end with small smiles. Looking at Gandalf and smiled lightly before Gandalf used his staff to make a loud knock on the door.

"Frodo, my lad" a weak voice called out through the door "there seems to be someone at the door!"

Turing to Gandalf with a wide smile as the old wizard nodded his head, his own smile stretching across his face.

Hurried footsteps approached the door as Frodo opened it with a large smile spreading across his face as I bent down and pulled the hobbit into a hug. It had only been a few months since the last time I saw Frodo and the others, but his uncle was another story.

"Who is it my boy?" The voice called through the hall as a hobbits voice came out through the dinning room.

"There seems to be some old friends of yours here Uncle" Frodo called, stepping back from Gandalf and I as he turned to his now approaching uncle "I'm sure they would be glad to see you".

"Which old friends?" Bilbo asked, finally approaching the door as he looked up into mine and Gandalfs faces. Tears welled in his eyes as he dropped his walking stick and practically ran into my arms. I hugged the hobbit gently yet firmly, feeling a stray tera roll down my face as the hobbit began to weep into my shoulder.

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