The beginning of the battle

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"A great host you say?" Théoden asked Aragorn as we stood in the great hall, my hands clutching the side of his shirt, not daring to let him go

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"A great host you say?" Théoden asked Aragorn as we stood in the great hall, my hands clutching the side of his shirt, not daring to let him go. 

 "All of Isengard is emptied" the ranger responded as the King continued to look at the door. 

"How many?" Came his next question as Aragorn wrapped an arm around me, holding my shaking form to his side. 

"Ten thousand strong at least" Aragorn told him causing Théoden to look Aragorn with eyes wide in shock. 

"Ten thousand?" He repeated not believing the words as they reached his ears. 

"It is an army bred for single purpose, to destroy the world of men" Aragorn told the king, his voice void of any emotion "they will be here by nightfall" I watched with cold eyes as the King's face turned stern and started out the hall leaving all to fallow. 

"Let them come!" Théoden hiss as he walked through the streets of Helms Deep "I want every man and strong lad able to bear arms to be ready for battle by nightfall".

My eyes grew wide at the thought as we came to stand looking up at the gate. 

"We will cover the causeway and the gate from above" Théoden strategical ordered watching as Aragorn slowly nodded "no army has ever breached the deeping wall or set foot inside the Hornburg". 

"There is no rabble of mindless orcs," Gimli stated making us look at the dwarf as he stood against the door "these are Uruk-Hai, their armour is thick and their shields broad".

Théoden's eyes grew cold.  

"I have fought many wars Master dwarf" Théoden hissed as he started back into the city "I know how to defend my own keep". 

I sent the dwarf a small smile as Aragorn and I passed, following the King up to look down at the city. 

"They will break upon this fortress like water on rock," he stated with absolute certainty "Saruman's hordes will pillage and burn, we've seen it before, crops can be resewn, homes rebuilt, within these walls we will outlast them". 

"They do not come to destroy Rohan's crops or villages they come to destroy it's people" Aragorn stated as he pulled out of my grip to stand behind the King. 

 "What would you have me do?" Théoden hissed as his hands shot to capture Aragorn's shirt, pulling him to him" look at my men, there courage hangs by a thread". 

Aragorn had nothing to say. 

"If this is to be our end, then I would have them make such an end as to be worthy of remembrance" Théoden finished before letting go of Aragorn's shirt and started to walk away, I came forward, placing a hand on Aragorn's shoulder as he spoke again to the King. 

"Send riders, my Lord!" he stated "you must call for aid!" Théoden sent him a look.

"And who will come?" Théoden questioned "elves, dwarves, we are not so lucky in our friends as you, the old alliances are dead".

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