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Standing on the balcony, looking out at the city and taking a deep breath. There was a light breeze blowing my hair away from my face, but it came with a sense of balance. 

When we returned to Minas Tirith Frodo and Sam were taken care of, Frodo's body was worn, full of stress and he was exhausted from carrying the ring for such a long period of time and he has yet to wake up, Sam on the other hand was in a better condition after a few days of sleep and some nourishment and he was more or so in full health.

In just a few days Aragorn will be coronated and I was still unsure of what the future held for me, too many things could go wrong with me staying with Aragorn, despite me loving him to the end of the earth, we wouldn't be able to grow old together and I would be watching him slowly fade away to old age. 

Hearing footsteps enter the room with heavy breathing accompanying them, turning around to see a guard with a large smile on his face, my eyes lit up once I realised what it meant. 

"Frodo is awake" within an instant, I ran out of the room not before I grabbed Sebastian to come along, running down the hall and turning the corner as I hear guard let out a small chuckle, quickly coming to a stop in front of Frodo's room before entering to see Aragorn already there.

Merry and Pippin sat on the bed with Frodo's bed, Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn standing next to the bed while Gandalf sat in a chair right in front of the bed. As soon as Frodo's eyes landed on me a large smile appeared on his face, he outstretched his hand to me and with a smile to match his, I walked over and placing Sebastian down before taking a hold of his hand. 

Although I may not have known Frodo and Sam for long and it has been quite a long time since we have seen them, I still felt emotional seeing them again, at the beginning nobody could think two hobbits could save Middle Earth, but they did, they were chucked into this world without a say and here they were, alive and breathing. 

"What happens now?" Frodo asked, looking around the room. 

"Right now, rest, then we will go from there" I said with a smile as the hobbits went back explaining what they did. 

Looking at the four hobbits, on the outside Merry and Pippin seem not to be bothered by what happened as they talk about the assault on Isengard and the captive of Saruman. Sam sat on the other side of Frodo, he was just sitting there listening to the other two, he definitely has some trauma and it may take him a while to move past it but he will get in a safe space hopefully once he's back in the shire.

But there's Frodo, he's suffered so much trauma and it will linger on and on until there is a chance for real healing and a real resolution, it impacts the health of both body and brain but for Frodo there will be no healing his body and mind are too damaged because of the ring tying itself to him.

That night I lay in bed with Aragorn, me in his arms with my head on his chest as we simply relaxed, Sebastian was lying on his own pillow on the bench at the end of the bed. It was the first time we have properly slept since we have been on the journey and the first time since Sauron has been destroyed yet to for some reason sleep would not come, for myself was too worried for Frodo to rest.

"Are you awake?" I asked quietly, not wanting to wake Sebastian and Aragorn if he isn't already awake, but to my relief he shook his head, sighing gently before sitting up and stretching his back and taking off his shirt before standing up and walking over to the balcony. My hair was flowing down my back and I wore one of Aragorn's shirts to sleep in, getting up and walking over to the balcony and stood next to Aragorn and resting my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes.

"Look" Aragorn said quietly, causing me to open my eyes and look at him "you can see the moon".

Looking up with a smile falling on my face as I looked at the clear sky. It had been too long since I could see the sky clear and in the black heavens, upon the clear night, comes the grace of white-gold moon and the stars of heaven bloomed in the velvet black.

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