Three Hunter's and The Huntress

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We ran non stop for three days

The Urk-Hai ran fast, it was though we were chasing nothing but air, but we knew that we had to continue for Merry and Pippin, the entire time I ran ahead of everyone, unable to stop myself from running at my full speed as my legs pushed hard, my body never faulting from fatigue.

Occasionally I would turn around and watch the group trudging along behind me, Aragorn first then Legolas and finally Gimli, stopping for a moment so the others could catch up and let then run past me, waiting for them to get a little head start before I began to run again and within matter of seconds, caught up with them again.

"She is teasing us!" Gimli shouted through heavy breaths as he continued to push on "she knows she can run faster and she teases us!"

"She is definitely faster than us," Aragorn admitted as he continued running, his breath steady "but we must not slow down".

"Come on Gimli!" Legolas shouted at the dwarf as he slowed down a bit so he could run beside the dwarf, dwarves specialties were short distances but considering that we have been running three days, Gimli was doing well.

As we got to some rocks, Aragorn stopped to bend down, placing his ear to the ground.

"Their pace has quickened" he mumbled before standing, looking at me as I stood next to him "they must have caught our sent, hurry!"

With that we were running again, ever once in a while Aragorn's hand would brush against mine sending a burst of want through me, I wanted nothing more to feel his skin against mine in the simplest way.

"Come on Gimli!" Legolas again shouted to the dwarf who once again is lagging behind" we're gaining on them" I could hear the dwarf huffing and puffing as we continued to run.

"Three days and nights pursuit" it came to my ears making a small laugh fall from my lips "no food, no rest and no sign of our quarry but what bare rock can tell".

"He's complaining again" I mumbled to Aragorn, watching as a smile played on his lips, our hands brushed again once more making a shock run up my spin, we didn't say anything, just simply looked into each others eye an all that was needed to be said.

Continuing to run, the opening to Rohan just ahead until I stopped as Aragorn bend down to pull a clip of Lothlórien.

"Not idly do the leaves of Lórien fall" he mumbled making Legolas stop to look down at the small pin.

"They may yet be alive" Legolas muttered as Aragorn passed the pin to me as I put it in my pocket for keep safe. 

"Less than a day ahead of us" Aragorn stated as he view the tracks imprinted into the ground before running off again, I let out a small laugh as I looked back for the dwarf. 

"Come on Gimli!" I yelled and jogged back to him, seeing the dwarf tumble down the hill, my giggle filled the air as I help the dwarf stand and start running again, moving my legs at a pace where I was only a little bit ahead of him. 

"I'm wasted on cross-country" he called to me "we dwarves are natural sprinters, very dangerous over short distances". 

"Trust me, I know" I laughed making the dwarf smile, the shock off dwarves running has worn off after seeing Bomber run from Beorn.

"Do not stop for me lass" Gimli ordered "go on, move forward". 

I smiled before picking up my pace, climbing up the rocks until I stood at Aragorn's side, I expected for our hands to brush together then, only to feel his fingers intertwine with mine for only a moment, I let out a sharp breath at the unexpected warmth that quickly left me as Aragorn glanced at me with a smirk on his lips. 

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