A simple walk in the woods

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Frodo clung to me as we went, his hands tightly hold my top as he placed his head against my aching side, but I'm not complaining, for I need him near mush as he needed me. 

The trees created a canopy around us making look around taking the simple beauty of it. 

"Stay close young hobbits!" Gimli ordered with a wave of his hands making me smile at the discomfort he was trying desperately to hide "they say there's a great sorceress who live in these woods, an Elf-witch of terrible power". 

"Gimli" I muttered with a small shake of my head but the dwarf continued talking, I heard the small snap of twigs making my head turn in it's direction knowing we are not alone, only for Gimli's voice to cloud my senses. 

"All who look upon her fall under her spell" he continued in a wistful voice "and are never seen again". 

Feeling the fist on my top weakened causing me to look down to see Frodo away from my side. 

"Frodo?" I asked with a hand placed on his shoulder as his eyes searched the air around him, wide in shock, I quickly figured out that he was hearing Lady Galadriel.

"Well, here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily," Gimli muttered as he looked around "I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox" I smirked at his arrogance, only to be surprised by the Lothólrien elves. 

"Oh" was all Gimli could say as an arrow pointed at his face. 

"The dwarf breathed so loud we could have shot him in the dark" came a smooth voice as the elf weaved through his soldiers, standing tall with long golden hair and a smirk playing on his lips. 

"Haldir of Lórien" Aragorn's voice came making the elf turn to look at him, listening to the elvish that came from the man lips. 

"Aragorn, these woods are perilous," Gimli said from where he stood, surrounded by arrows "we should go back" Haldir sent the dwarf a look. 

"You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood, you cannot go back" Haldir stated as he looked over us for a moment before moving us through the woods and towards a rope ladder that hung from the trees, I let out a sharp breath as darkness started to fall, watching as the others climb. 

"Sam, come on" I muttered while hoisting the hobbit on to the ladder before climbing it myself, I stood with the hobbits them, my hands on Frodo's shoulders with Merry, Pippin and Sam huddled at my side, Haldir's eyes fell on to Legolas, letting a small smile grace his lips. 

"Mae govannen, Legolas Thranduilion," he stated in elvish as Legolas give the elf a small bow in return. [Welcome Legolas, son of Thranduil]

"Govanna's vin gwennen le, Haldir o Lorien" Legolas responded watching as Haldir eye's fell on Aragorn [Our Fellowship stands in your debt, Haldir of Lórien] 

"A" Haldir breathed "Aragorn in Dunedain istannen le ammen". [Oh Aragorn of the Dunedain, you are known to us]

 "Haldir" Aragorn give the Haldir a small bow as Gimli let out a breath of irritation. 

"So much for legendary courtesy of the elves!" was his grumbles making me roll my eyes "speak words we can all understand". 

"We have not had dealings with the dwarves since the Dark Days" Haldir stated while sending Gimli  a cold look. 

"And you know what this dwarf says to that?" questioned Gimli making a sigh fall from my lips as I knew what was coming next. 

"Gimli" I muttered lowly but was ignored. 

"Ishkhaqwui ai durugnul!" the dwarf spat making Aragorn turn to him, with dark eyes.[I spit upon your grave!]

"That was not so courteous" his harsh words stated, as though they were pointed at a young child, I couldn't help but smile at the thought but quickly shook it away, Haldir did not listen to it as he moved on, taking note of the hobbit's who huddled around me. 

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