Forbid You Farewell

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The hobbits and myself stood in the same spot for what seemed like forever. But soon enough the ship sailed out of sight and into the west and a heavy weight had dropped upon my shoulders. The man I have known for years was gone and not on one of his little adventures, this time he was really gone and was never coming back. The more I thought about it more tears ran down my cheeks.

Finally, turning to the hobbits and looked at their tearful eyes, I sent each one a sad smile before at last Pippin spoke.

"Elanor, your eyes, they are even more blue".

Looking down at the hobbits with no expression before walking over to the water and looked at myself in the reflection. My eyes were brighter than diamonds and it seemed as though my entire face has fallen.


As I continued to look at myself, I wiped the semi dried tears from my eyes and took it a deep breath before I stood up.

"We mustn't grieve too much" I said quietly, moving over to the hobbits and kneeling down in front of them "there is nothing wrong with being upset, our dear friends have just left us but we must remember that they are not dead. They are alive and they will remember us".

"But no one knows what the Grey Havens are like" Same stated in a dull whisper "no one unless you are there".

"That's were your wrong Samwise, I was born on the other side, they will be happy there, peaceful more peaceful than they have ever been because elves magic is incredible Sam" I confirmed quietly, moving my hand up and wiping away the hobbit's stray tear.

The hobbits nodded their heads, exhaling a deep breath before at last they began to turn back to their ponies. Looking back out one last time to the horizon before I too, turned back to Hasufel and mounted him, all four of us leaving the docks as I started my journey home.

Once we were finally back within the fields that led to the Shire, I moved my Hasufel up to Sam. The hobbit sent me a small, sad smile as he looked at me in the eyes.

"No longer bright blue but almost normal".

I smiled lightly, placing a hand on the hobbits shoulder gently.

"Acceptance I assume, although, I will always miss that old fool".

"I am going to miss Mr Frodo" Sam admitted, looking away from me and out to the fields in front of us "we all will".

"He wrote you a letter" I stated, watching the hobbits eyes slightly lit up, although grief within us was still obvious. Pulling the letter out of my pocket and handed it to him, watching his expression as I did so. Sam looked at the note carefully, looking at his name written neatly on the front before a single tear slipped down his cheek.

"Could you please read it for me?" He croaked, handing me the letter back as he wiped the tear away from the bottom of his chin. Nodding my head, carefully opening the envelope as I pulled the letter out, gently unfolding it as I began to read slowly.

"My dearest Sam,

You cannot always be torn in to two. You will have to be one and a whole for many years. You have so much to enjoy, to be and to do. Your part in this story will go on and the tale of The Lord of the Rings will go on in history and the adventures of Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee will be known forever. Without you Sam, I wouldn't have made it past the Shire, it is because of you, this world is once more pure. It is because of you the Shire is safe from peril. It is because of you we made it.

You may never understand how much you did for me, but you must know that just because I am gone doesn't mean that you story is over. I wouldn't have made it without you Sam but you can make it without me, you have a beautiful family, who needs you to tell stories. Your tale doesn't end here. That's why I left you the book, it is your turn to write your tale Sam. There and back again, The Lord of the Ring and your story will be down in history. It is your turn Samwise The Brave, it is time for your tale in this world".

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