For Frodo and Sam

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After a week of travelling, we have reached the black gates, it seemed to be the start of darkness, but it was mid-day, it was terrifying how quick the darkness was beginning to fill Middle earth. 

Looking at the gates, the feeling of uneasiness settle in my stomach, turning my head slightly to look at Aragorn only to find him looking at me already.

"Im mel cin" I whispered in his ear. [I love you]

"Im mel cin too" he whispered back. [I love you too]

Turning our attention back to the gates, I thought of Frodo and Sam, somewhere behind those gates they were trying to make their way to Mount Doom but were being blocked by the army of Mordor.

"Where are they?" Pippin asked, after a few minutes of standing outside the gates and not even a sound could be heard. The anticipation was terrible, Aragorn looked back at me, watching me with worried eyes, I nodded knowing what was to come.

Tired of waiting, Aragorn nodded towards Legolas, the four of us riding towards the black gate, with Gandalf and Eomer and another soldier following. 

When we reached the gate, I couldn't help but feel a sudden uneasiness fall upon me, wrapping my arms tighter around Aragorns waist, squeezing his hand in comfort before he spoke.

"Let the Lord come forth!" He shouted, looking at the top of the gates, knowing somewhere up there, the guards were watching us "let justice be done upon him!"

Nothing happened for a few moments, until the gates opened slowly, revealing a single rider. He was draped in all black clothing and a helmet with spikes lay upon his head, he has his head bowed but I know it covers everything but his mouth.

"The mouth of Sauron" I whispered in Aragorn's ear. 

"My master Sauron the Great bids thee welcome" he said, raising his head to reveal a horrific face, his teeth were razor sharp, long and yellow. They cut into his diseased lips causing his lips to split in many places and when he talked a small amount of blood could be seen squirting out of his mouth along with the splits near his mouth open more. Looking back at Legolas, Gimli and Eomer, all of us exchanging the exact same look.


"Is there any is the rout with authority to treat with me?" He said, looking over us "preferably Elanor" he smiled at me, sending him a cold glare, feeling Aragorn lean back a bit in a way to comfort me. 

"We do not come to treat with Sauron, faithless and accursed" Gandalf stated, his voice in disgusted "tell your master this, the armies of Mordor must disband, he is to depart these lands and never return" the mouth of Sauron head snapped towards Gandalf, slightly hissing. 

"Ah! Old Greybeard!" He said in a menacing call "I have a token I was bidden to show thee" suddenly he pulled something off his lap, unfolding the fabric and showing it to us all. My eyes widen as Merry and Pippin gasp behind me as our eyes landed on the mithril shirt that belonged to Frodo.

"Frodo!" Pippin shouted, watching as the mouth threw the shirt at Gandalf harshly, Gandalf holding the shirt in his hands lightly, noticing a few tears falling from the wizard's eyes as he handed the shirt to Pippin "Frodo!" Pippin shouted once more.

"Silence!" Gandalf shouted at the hobbit. 



"The halfling was dear to thee I see" the mouth stated, his malicious smile sending shivers down my spine "know that he suffered greatly at the hands of his host! Who would've thought one so small, could endure so much pain? And he did Gandalf, he did".

"You're lying" I stated, looking at him with cold eyes "you are trying to make us loose hope! But I know he his alive!"

"You will find out in good time about pain and suffering that your friend endured. My Lord Sauron had big plans for you, Elanor of Alqualondë not even the clan of Teleri or the King of Arda can help you, you would not even become Queen of Gondor".

"You forget one thing mouth, Sauron would have never become as big as Morgoth the first Dark Lord".

Hearing enough, Aragorn rode forward, looking to the rider with disgust. 

"And who is this?" The rider asked "Isildur's heir? It takes more to make a King than a piece of elvish glass or a rabble such as this".

Smiling lightly, noticing the look in Aragorn's eyes as he circled the rider. 

Aragorn brought his word up and sliced off the head of the mouth of Sauron with a loud grunt, watching as the head fell to the ground his body following it. 

"I guess that concludes negotiations" Gimli said, sarcastically, Aragorn turned the horse around and looked at the group.

"I do not believe it. I will not!"

Suddenly a loud, creaking sound filled the air, looking behind me, only for my eyes to widened in fear at the thousands of orcs that began to march their way through.

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