The last Hope

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I fought with every inch of strength I had left, the pain in my side only increased as the adrenaline in my body seemed to disappear and no matter how hard I fought, it seemed as though my efforts did nothing as every dead Uruk was replaced with a new live one, when the numbers of elves and men who remained on the ground seemed to vanish, I knew that I had to retreat, for if I stayed, death will follow, but the energy in my body was decreasing rapidly and I found as the men called for retreat, that I did not have the strength to move my legs.

An elf gripped my shoulder as they began to pull me away from the opening wall, the words retreat reaching my ears as I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me, as I were pulled back the Uruks that chased after us seemed to move in slow motion, I felt my eyes become heavy and the pain in my side become almost completely overwhelming, although the elf tried to pull me along with him, I felt my knees begin to falter, my body swaying as the ground came closer and closer to me. 

"Elanor!" The voice of Legolas called out as a pair of arms wrapped around me before I could hit the ground, my eyes opening wide with a shuddering breath as the elf quickly placed his arm around my waist and positioned my arm to rest along his shoulders, the world seeming to come back to life as the sound of battle once more reaching my ears "let's get you out of here".

"Haldirs dead" I breathed as I winced in pain, those words being the only think I could think of as the elf basically lifted me and headed towards the gates, with my words Legolas seemed to stiffen by my side but he didn't respond to my statement and instead he readjusted me in his hold. 

 "Where's Aragorn?" I asked, the sounds of the Uruks trying to move through the doors causing my eyes to drift over the King and his men, their forces beginning to falter with the pure numbers of the enemy, I knew that soon the city would be over run and before I died, I wanted to see him one last time, to know that he was safe. 

"I saw him call out your name on the wall before he ran down the stairs" Legolas breathed, his hands moving my own to inspect my wound a his eyebrows furrowed, although he tried to keep his expression steady "I was already on the ground and saw you beginning to fall".

"Elanor?" The voice of the King suddenly came, my eyes moving over to his figure as he broke through the crowd of me, Legolas pushing his hands against my  blood soaked side to try and ease the bleeding as the King looked at me with wide eyes "what happened?"

"What do you think happened?" I sighed as I winced in pain, my eyes moving up the steps as I expected to see the ranger walk down them any minute, the King let out a sigh at my words, the sounds of the Uruks trying to break in reminding us all of what was to come. 

"These doors won't hold for much longer" Théoden breathed heavily, his eyes moving from my wound to my face as he let out a defeated sigh and in his eyes, I saw that all hope was lost, I also noticed that the King held his arm awkwardly and I realised then the blood on the side of his armour "get her to the keep, tend to her wound before she bleeds out" with a quick nod, Legolas once more positioned me against him as he led me to the keep, the men grunting as they pushed timbers against the doors to try and buy the city time. 

"We have to find Aragorn" I mumbled as Legolas basically carried me up the steps and into the keep, elves and men already inside as I realised the sky was beginning to lighten, the sound of the Uruks still as taunting as when they first arrived. 

"He will come back to the keep" Legolas assured, the elf sitting me down on a bench in the corner of the room as I placed my sword down, my head leaning back against the wall as I swallowed harshly, the elf quickly ripped a piece of a flag that hung on the wall as he moved over and placed it under my shirt, the cloth now wedged tightly against my wound as I stifled a cry as I my hand clenched the bench tightly, my knuckles white as I tried to steady my breathing, I looked to my friend, feeling worry set in my heart.

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