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Eowyn and Merry were found alive on the battlefield, the war of Minas Thirith was won and Aragorn would become King while I still don't know about my future.

I sat on the steps that led up to the throne od Gondor, my eyes searching the great white hall around me, before landing on Aragorn's back as he stood starring at a statue of Isildur. 

We have just come back from the healers while we were there, we saw what seemed to be hundreds of men, woman and children with injures much more severe than mine. I felt like I was wasting medical supplies, but I knew that if I were to leave my wound as it was, I would die of infection and I also knew that Aragorn would never forgive me if I just got up and walked away. 

"Frodo has past beyond my sight" Gandalf stated as his voice cracked with emotion, I let out a shaking breath as I held a clean Sebastian "the darkness is deepening".

"If Sauron had the ring we would" Aragorn stated making the wizard turn to him. 

"It's only a matter of time" the wizard admitted watching as I nodded slowly, the motion pulling on my shoulder muscles causing it to sting. 

"Hobbits are strong, especially Frodo" I muttered making all the attention fall on me "but I can feel Frodo weaken because the ring it closer to its master but at the same time Sauron grows weary and he never grow weary".

"He's suffered a defeat yes but behind the walls of Mordor our enemy is regrouping" Gandalf agreed. 

"Let him stay there" Gimli ordered in a small shout that echoed through the hall "let him rot, what should we care" the wizard sent him a look.

"Because ten thousand orcs now stand between Frodo and Mount Doom" Gandalf stated causing the dwarf to grow quite as he shrinks back into the Steward's throne, smoking his pipe. 

"Frodo and Sam" I corrected, noticing a smile fall upon Eomer and Legolas' lips "Sam is with Frodo let us not forget, there's two of them remember?" 

Gandalf shoulders hunched in defeat "I've sent him to his death". 

It was then that Aragorn turned sending the wizard a look of confusion. 

"No, there still hope for Frodo and Sam" Aragorn stated making a small smile pull on my lips as he includes Sam "they need time and safe passage across the plains of Golgurroth, we can give them that".

"How?" Gimli asked in a voice that clearly said he didn't believe it could possibly be done.

"Draw out Sauron's armies, empty his lands" Aragorn explained "then we gather our full strength and we march on the black gate".

I looked at Aragorn as though he was insane as the smoke Gimli inhaled came out in a gruff cough.

"We cannot achieve victory through strength of arms" Eomer stated as he came forward from his spot next to Legolas. 

"Not for ourselves but we can give Frodo and Sam their chance if we keep Sauron's eye fixed on us " Aragorn explained making my eyes grown in understanding "keep him blind to all else that move".

"A diversion" Legolas stated watching as Aragorn nodded.

"Certainty of death, small chance for success" Gimli counted as a smirk pulled on the dwarf's lips "what are we waiting for!" I watched as the white wizard turned to Aragorn.

"Sauron will suspect a trap" he stated making a small smirk form on Aragorn's lips "he will not take the bait".

"Oh, I think he will" Aragorn admitted.

And when night fell he put his plan into action. 

The man walked through the white hall towards the mall, covered orb that Gandalf had placed on a podium where the steward of Gondor used to sit. Aragorn pushed the cover aside holding back a cringe as the eye came over the black stone, from the shadows I watched as Aragorn's hand was placed upon it and he did not falter. 

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