The Fallen

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"Hado i philinn!" Aragorn called to the elves as they fire, the swirling sound of arrows flying past my head reached my ears, I watched as the first line Uruks fall dead, however their numbers were instantly replaced. [Release arrows]

"Did they hit anything?" Gimli shouted in anticipation a he jumped up and down in an attempt to see what had happened, the rain continuing to fall as the Uruks roared "quite a lot" I tell him as I gripped my sword tightly, trying to erase the fear in my heart, from behind us more arrows were released as the men now firing constantly at the Uruks as their bodies below fell but the thousands kept advancing and in retaliation the Uruks began to firing arrows from cross bows, the sound of men and elves on the wall being hit ringing through the night as we all ducked from their attacks.

From down below, the army split  at the forefront, ladders suddenly coming into my view as I clenched my jaw.

"Pendraith!" Aragorn yelled as some of the Elves and men changed from bows to arrows.[Ladders]

"Good!" Gimli cheered finally able to take part, everyone who stood by the wall took a defensive step back as they moved into position, swords at the ready.

As soon as the ladder hit the wall, the battle at the Hornburg commenced

Within seconds, the enemy began pilling over the wall as I killed my first Uruk, ducking underneath its sword before I brought up my blade and sliced through its neck, Gimli grunting from somewhere beside me as he drove his axe into the middle of another's chest as the rain poured down so hard it makes seeing in front almost difficult, I swung my sword fiercely, the sound of cries and growls in the cold night air only drove me harder to fight and with every Uruk that I killed came another that advanced towards me, a never ending line coming up the ladders as those who fought on the wall struggle to keep from being over so quickly.

"Two already!" Gimli called out, the dwarf grunting with his words as I pushed an Uruk over the wall, spinning around as I plunged my sword into the throat of another.

"I'm on seventeen!" Legolas replied as he killed yet another Uruk, a smirk on his lips as he turned to face myself and the dwarf, although neither of us took our eyes off the enemy as Gimli grunted in annoyance.

"I'll have no pointy war outscoring me!" Gimli shouted as he slid on the ground and axed an Uruk in the groin.

"How about, less counting and more on not dying!" I called out sarcastically, moving over to the wall as myself and another man pushed our full weight against a ladder, watching in satisfaction as it fell down to the ground and kill the Uruks below that didn't move, with every passing second, my sword met against another one of the enemy and the ability to listen to my friends soon become near impossible as the Uruks on the wall became greater in number, I swung my sword fiercely as I felt my hands become drenched in the blood of the enemy, the floor that was covered in rain and blood from both armies now made it slippery that proved difficult, a hiss escaped my lips as I felt a long blade slice shallowly through my thigh, my hand instantly reaching for my dagger as I swung my arm around and stabbed the Uruk in the neck, the wound was merely a shallow cut and as I fought harder and stronger, I prayed that it will be my only injury.

One advantage that I hadn't expected was the amount of Bezerkers that breached the wall, unlike the Uruk-hai, they wore no armour besides their helmets and despite their height and weaponry, they were quite hard to kill but every man who fought against then knew that they were merely ploys, sent up to fight on the walls first so they could make room for the oncoming Uruks who were ridden in steel armour with a few weak spots.  

It took a mere few minutes before all of the Berserkers that were on the wall were killed and the true threat, the Uruk-hai appeared, Gimli took position between two ladders as he swung his axe swiftly across each one, each of his blows knocking the oncoming Uruks back to the ground as the lightening flashed through the sky while still counting how many he's killed, the cut on my thigh did not cause me the slightest of pain as I continue to fight, my breath heavy as I brought my sword down on the crook of the neck of an Uruk that fought against a boy no older than fifteen, as Gimli continued to kill the Uruks on the ladder, Legolas now shooting the Uruks who were breaching the wall by a ladder where every man who defended that area has been killed, my eyes looked down a split second towards the ground beneath the wall, a doubtful breath left my lips when I realised that below, still came thousands of Uruks, with a short time I had been fighting, I could have swore almost half of the army had to have already made it up to the wall, the bodies that surrounded me high in numbers, but as I saw the hoards below, I realised that it must not have been a hundred that had made it up the ladders and the bodies that piled on myside of the wall were a mix of Uruks, men and elves. 

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