Hobbits Return

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I smiled at Sebastian as he crawled up Hasufel's neck to perch on the edge of his nose, the horse looked back to us, sending us a look that made small bouts of laughter fall from my lips as Hasufel bobbed his head up and down, trying to shake Sebastian off. 

"Sebastian" my voice ordered making the hedgehog scurry back up to me, sitting on his haunches on the saddle. 

"It's good to see that you no longer regretting your fate" the old voice said making Aragorn turn to look at Gandalf's smiling form "it's doing you both some good" the King to be couldn't stop his smile from growing as I listened in.

I was pulled from the conversation as I let out another string of laughter as Sebastian jumped across the gap and landed on top of Gimli's head, making it his new perch. 

"I do not think I could ever regret her" Aragorn breathed in a voice so low that it could not dare to be heard but against the groaning of the tree's Gandalf and I clearly heard it and it warmed my heart. 

"Sebastian" I said again, making the hedgehog jump into my arms as we came across the broken gate of Isengard where there sat two hobbits, smoking and eating, all around having a merry time. 

"Welcome, my lord" Merry exclaimed as he stood, his pipe puffing at hi lips "to Isengard".

Letting out a happy laugh to see the hobbits well, my smile growing as Pippin sent me a rapid wave.

"You young rascals!" Gimli shouted in anger "a merry hunt you've led us on and here we find you feasting and-and smoking" I could only shake my head as Pippin tilted his pipe to the dwarf as he spoke. 

"We are sitting on a field of victory enjoying a few well-earned comforts" Gimli's face continued to hold in shock as the hobbit's smirk pointed upward "the salted pork is particularly good". 

I watched with a smile as the dwarf's lips smacked together as he questioned. 

"Salted pork?" I couldn't help shaking my head as Sebastian climbed up my body to perch on my shoulder, his nose wiggling against the aroma of food. 

"Hobbits" Gandalf muttered. 

"We're under orders from Treebeard" Merry explained "who's taken over management of Isengard".

We pushed forward, coming to a stop in front of the hobbits. 

"Gimli is right though" I admitted while watching their excited smiles "you almost killed him, making the poor dwarf run all this way to find you here sitting and snacking as though you are back at the Green Dragon, what am I going to do with you two?"

The hobbit's looked between each other sheepishly before laughing fell from the three of us, it wasn't long before Merry was settled behind me while Aragorn had Pippin sitting with him, moving forward through the destroyed fortress, around us walked trees, old trees of twiddled bark and broken branches as their victorious faces looked upon what only they could accomplish. 

"No doubt that you helped in this destruction" I said back to the hobbits as water sprayed up from Hasufel's hooves. 

"We might have helped a wee bit" Merry replied with a devious smile that forced a chuckle from me as we stopped in front the weathered tree known as Treebeard. 

"Young Master Gandalf, I'm glad you've come" Treebeard greeted as also comes to a stop while looking over us "ah Elanor, it's good to see you again". 

"It's good to see you too Treebeard" I smiled at the Ent leader.

"Wood and water, stock and stone I can master but there's a wizard to manage here locked in his tower" Gandalf slowly nodded as he adjusted his grey cloak while looking up at the tower. 

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