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As I looked around, I noticed moving shadows within the halls, it seems Legolas also noticed them too, because he looked around warily.

"What is it?" Gimli asked in a loud whisper "what do you see?"

"Shapes" I said quietly.

"Of men and horses" Legolas finished for me, moving closer to me, looking towards Aragorn in front of us slightly, carrying a torch made of a stick.

 "Where?" Gimli asked urgently, looking around him quickly. 

"Pale banners like shreds of cloud" Legolas said quietly, his eye wide as he concentrated on the faint shapes in front of us, squinting my eyes as though if I focused harder, the shapes would go away "spears rise like winter thickets through a shroud of mist, the dead are following, they have been summoned".

"The faces" I whispered "they are staring at me, like they are trying to communicate unspoken words".

Hearing Gimli begin to say something but interrupted himself by calling mine and Legolas' names before hearing him run back to us.

All of a sudden, a mist like hand began to reach out towards me, blowing the mist away only for it to come back, waving my hand which finally got rid of it, turning around to see Gimli trying to blow the hands away as well, although they just reappeared for him.

Suddenly voices began to run through my mind as I walked further into the cave. 

"You are weak, we can see it"

"I'm everything in this world than weak" I say "who are you?"

"We are the living dead" the voice said in a croaky whisper "we seek for vengeance on being sent to live in this world for eternity".

"Fulfil your oath and you will be set free" I relied.

"Only the King of Gondor can call for us to come to his aid and we know that line was broken long ago".

"Is that what you believe"

The voices stopped when Aragorn spoke, his eyes fixed ahead of us. 

"Don't look down" out of habit I looked down at the ground, to see it bones and skulls covered in cobwebs and dust, frowning at the sight, hearing Gimli gasp as he too looked down, turning back to look at him only to see him cringing every time he takes a step.

We walked into an open space, looking around at the walls surrounding the space, rocky and damp, they looked as though they could break with a single touch. The air was thick and it was almost difficult to breath, but we all stayed silent, walking further in as the mist seemed to follow.

"Who enters my domain?" We all turned around, coming face to a transparent figure, the figure that belong to the voice in my head. 

"One who will have your allegiance" Aragorn responded.

"The dead do not suffer the living to pass" the King replied.

"You will suffer me" Aragorn stated making a chilling smile form on the King's lips as laughter left him, from the shadows appeared the forgotten city and from it's doorway came legions upon legions of men, making my eyes grow in shock.

"The way is shut!" the King growled "it was made by those who are dead and the dead keep it".

All around them the men circled as the King came forward.

"The way is shut!" he spat as his words came out like a hiss "now you must die".

An arrow came from Legolas' bow only for it to go right through the King's body.

"I summon you to fulfil your oath" Aragorn tole the King making a smirk pull against his lips once more.

"None but the King of Gondor may command me!" The King stated as Aragorn's sword rose in front of him, my breathing became unsteady as the ghost King struck his blade forward only for it to be stopped on the flame of the west.

A look of hock came over the ghost King.

"That blade was broken!" He shouted, his voice hoarse.

"It has been remade" Aragorn said with a rough grin, catching the King by the throat and pushing him back, the blade against his throat "fight for us and regain your honour, what say you?" He looked at the army, a look of strength and desperation in his eyes "what say you!"

"You waste your time Aragorn" Gimli said gruffly "they had no honour in life and they have none now in death".

Pushing Gimli a bit to say shut up, resting one of my hands on my sword and the other resting on the pocket were Sebastian is hiding. 

"I am Isildur's heir" Aragorn stated firmly, moving away from the King "fight for me and I will hold your oaths fulfilled!" Aragorn called out, branding his sword out in front of him "what say you?!" The Kings laugh filled the air, sending shivers up my spine as the army began to disappear "you have my word!" Aragorn called out in desperation "fight and I will release you from this living death!" They disappeared, leaving nothing but the remaining air and a faint mist "what say you!"

"Stand you traitors!" Gimli called out, a sudden silence filling the air as we all watched Aragorn, the man turned to look at me, a look of grief in his eyes. 

Hope was lost

Sounds of cracking began to fill the cave as the walls around us began to crack and rubble began to fall from the walls along with thousands of skulls.

"Run!" Aragorn shouted, sprinting as he took a hold of my hand while the other was keeping Sebastian inside, we all began to run out of space, skulls falling down over the top of us as we all slipped numerous of times, everything seemed dangerous now, I avoided everything, holding on to Aragorn's hands so I didn't loose him.

Eventually we emerged from the caves, running into the sunlight on the side of the mountain as I covered my eyes, I don't know if I was the first to open my eyes but I wished I hadn't, for all I saw was boats. Boats full of men beginning to make their way to Gondor after destroying an entire village.

 Aragorn looked at the boats, a look of despair on his face as he fell down on to his knees, tears in his eyes with grief in his expression.

Hope was lost

It was too late 

Suddenly, a faint sound like a gust of wind could be heard from behind us, turning around as Aragorn stood up, coming face with the King of the dead. He looked directly to Aragorn with a stern look in his eyes, he looked toward the boats and then back to the ranger. 

"We fight!"

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