Council of Elrond

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Last night my sleep was staggered as I woke up every few hours as nightmares plagued my mind, wiping the cold sweat from my forehead as a sign leaves my lips as I once more tried to lay down on my pillow only to enter the nightmare exactly where I had left it.

When I finally woke up it was the early hours of the morning where the sun was only just beginning to peek through the sky, glancing to the other side of the room I noticed a pile of clothes on the chair closest to the door, a blue dress and headpiece to wear at the council and a completely new set of clothes for travel.

Arwen, I thought to myself, smiling gently as I picked up the dress and made my way into the washroom.

After getting rid of the light grim of dirt and sweat and cleaning the small cut on my cheek. As I get dressed I made sure not to tangle or break the beads. After I finished getting dressed I styled my hair into waves before putting on my headpiece. Looking up and down to make sure I look presentable the best I could as I smile gently to myself. Glancing out of the window to welcome the sunrise that iris of fire so pretty in its mascara of pure light. Knowing that I have time before the council meeting. 

As I walk through the courts of Rivendell, my mind wandered into memories I found around every corner. It seems to me with every step something new would come to my mind, but I knew that the mind was a temple of madness and that despite my best efforts not everything could be forgotten and I knew that some things despite their ability to cause me pain that I didn't want to forget.

The day grew lighter as I saw many people beginning to make their way into the council courts including another old friend from the journey. 

"Glóin son of Gróin," I say walking up to him.

"Elanor" he chuckled walking to meet me as I bend down to hug my old friend. 

"You look well my friend," I say as we pull apart.

"So it is true then" a red-haired dwarf muttered in awe coming up beside us "the stories my father spoke of are true, you are indeed nature's own, who joined my kin on the quest of my homeland to slay a dragon". 

"Elanor, this is my wee lad Gimli" Glóin laughed as they walked away.     
Slowly I walked into the court as many eyes fell upon me, almost everybody have already been seated. My eyes fell on Legolas for a brief second but it was enough for him to send me a ghost smile. With an elongated stride, I moved to sit next to Lord Elrond. Seeing the shocked faces of some of the people apart from Aragon who has a smirk playing on his lips as he discreetly ran his hand over his mouth to hide his amusement. Looking down at the ground with a gentle smile, my eyes looking back up to the people in front of me. 

"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old, you've been summoned here today to answer the threat of Mordor" Lord Elrond spoke.

"Middle-earth stands upon the brink of destruction" Elrond continued "none can escape it, you will unite or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate, this one is doom" the Elf's head turned to the small Hobbit and with a wave of his hand, he gestured to the podium that sat in the middle of the councils gathering "bring forth the ring Frodo". 

With a glance at Gandalf and then at me as I gave him a comforting smile, Frodo moved from his seat pulling the ring out as he went. He watched the golden circle fall to the podium with a shaking glance before hurrying back to his chair, smiling at the reassuring look I sent him. All who looked upon the podium, felt a dark shadow start to cast over the lands of Rivendell. A shadow that was growing darker and darker with each passing gaze and each spoken word.  

"So it's true" a man who wears the Gondor symbol mumbled quietly as he bit his finger. All eyes fell upon the man as he looked around, removing his finger from his mouth as he cleared his throat gently "in a dream" he muttered as he stood up and walked towards the podium, his eyes resting upon the ring "I saw the eastern sky grow dark, in the west, a pale light lingered as a voice was crying, our doom near at hand. Isildurs bane was found" his words made my hairs stand on the edge and it wasn't until he reached the ring, his fingers almost brushing against it, that I realised that I was on the edge of my seat. 

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