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Opening my eyes to see the light shining in, a smile falling upon my lips as I saw Aragorn lying next to me, a smile on his lips and the blankets resting on his abdomen, his naked chest being exposed to the cool air.

"Good morning beautiful" he smile.

"Good morning handsome" I said quietly, wriggling over to him and placing my arm around him "or should I say my husband?"

Aragorn laughed heartedly, pulling me closer to him and placing a small kiss upon my head.

"You can call me whatever you wish".

"Be careful, I might start calling you some horrid things".

Aragorn and I laughed gently, the pair of us closing our eyes and embraced each others warmth. Which felt nice knowing that Aragorn was with me and that his touch meant safety. Suddenly Aragorn began to place kisses along my neck, causing me to tilt my head with a smile. His kisses trailed down to my shoulder and then made their way up again.

"If you keeping doing that I will stay here all day" Aragorn stopped, running his hands down my naked back as he looked out of the window and into the morning sky. 

"But we can't" I said quietly, as his face suddenly dropped as he remembered what his happening.

"The hobbits are leaving" he let out a deep sigh, looking down at me with a sad kind smile, looking into the mans eyes I felt my heart drop as well.

"I'm going to miss them" Aragorn admitted with a sad smile.

"Me too, but we will go and visit them every so often" I smiled, sitting up and covering my naked body with the blanket. 

"Twice a year we will go down".

"What about your Kingly duties?" I asked, watching as Aragorn stood up and chucked on some clothes, doing the same with a shirt and pants.

"I have that all sorted out".

"Oh you do, do you" I smiled, combing through my hair.

"Yes" he stated, beginning to even out the blanket as he pointed to the other side, indicating for me to help him. We both began to evenly spread the sheets, fluffing the pillows.

"Tell me" I smiled, walking over to him.

"I know that you like adventure and seeing the people that you know" he grinned, wrapping my arms around him.

"I love you, with all my heart Strider"

"I love you too, Elanor".

Later that day we met everyone at the gates of Gondor with smiles on our faces but tears in our eyes.

"I never thought I would be alive to see this moment, when we wall part our own ways" Sam stated, looking around the Fellowship "I never thought we would never make it through this journey".

Smiling lightly, looking down at the hobbits and watching as a few tears slipped down their cheeks.

"We will see each other again my dear friends" Aragorn informed kindly, placing a hand on Sam's shoulder "don't you worry about that".

"We know" Merry stated, looking over to the fields and then back to us "but it will be a different world and it is scary".

"Your stories aren't over yet" I informed with a small smile "your story doesn't end until you die and you are far from that, you still have your whole life ahead of you, why not try to worry to much".

 Turing to Frodo, smiling lightly as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"The Fellowship of the Ring is over, although we will forever be eternally bound by friendship and love, none of you must ever forget that".

"You will see us sooner than what you think" Legolas guaranteed, nodding towards the hobbits with small smile "we will never forget you".

"Aye" Gimli agreed, wiping a stray tear away from his eyes "who else are we going to come to when we need a good supper?" The hobbits laughed together, nodding to one another before speaking.

"Just remember, if any of you are near the Shire, please don't hesitate to find us, your company will be more than welcome".

"You may regret saying that" I stated with a small laugh, wiping a stray tear as I looked at the four hobbits "but believe me, we will see each other soon" walking over to the hobbits and giving them each a long but sturdy hug "I won't say goodbye as it isn't a goodbye more so see you later, but thank you for everything you have done for us and I don't just mean saving Middle Earth, I mean all of the fun memories and happy times within terrible ones, farewell until next time".

The hobbits smile gently, nodding towards the others one last time before they set off, Gandalf by their side to lead them home. I couldn't help but let a tear fall down my cheek as I watched our friends leave, their small figures soon fading into the distance. 

For some reason, the hobbits leaving made my finally realise that everything was over and that my life would never be the same.

Aragorn pulled me into his side, kissing the top of my head lightly as we all turned to one another, smiling before we all turned around and made our way back to the city with tears in our eyes but smiles on our faces.

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