The road to Gondor

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Although all seemed to fall into darkness, a ray of light was able to make its way through, the army of the dead had decided to help, Gondor wouldn't fall.

"Thank you" I smiled with a shaky voice, looking at the King of the dead with a small smile "I would like to say you are doing it for the world of men but I know you are tired of the life you are living, staring at the same walls, never sleeping and never being at ease".

"How did you know?" The King replied.

"I just know".

"We better go down to the shore to greet out friend" Gimli said, all of us nodding in agreement before walking down to the shore.

"They're here" I whisper, after a while of waiting for the boats full of mercenaries to steer past us. 

"You may go no further!" Aragorn commanded, looking towards the men on the boats with a cold glare. One of the men on the boat stood up, his eyes scanning over Aragorn and myself with an evil glance "you may not enter Gondor!"

"Who are you to deny us passage?" The man asked, his crew now standing with him "a man, an elf, a dwarf and a she-elf" his eyes ran over my body and I felt vile rise in my throat "my, my it has been quite a while since a women has looked so, decent and" he licked his lips, the men around him chuckling "tasty".

 "Trust me caveman" I said out loud "you think you have a way with woman but in reality, women would rather cut their tits off than sleep with you".

"You little-"

"Legolas, fire a warning shot pass the boson's ear".

"Mind your aim" Gimli warned mockingly, knocking Legolas' bow just as he was about to fire, causing the arrow to shoot straight into a man next to the boson, looking at Gimli and Legolas, a sly grin on my face.

"Oh!" Gimli exclaimed, putting a hand to his mouth "that's it, right, we warned you! Prepare to be boarded!"

The mercenaries all began to laugh, looking at myself and then Gimli.

"By who? The pointy elf women? I would love for her to try; we will make good use of her".

"No" I said with a grin "my army".

"What army?"

"This army" Aragorn said with a grin, the army of the dead emerging from behind us and boarding the ships, killing everyone in sight

"Disgusting man really" I said with a small yawn, ignoring the distinct screams and slashes coming from the boats "I would have much liked to cut out his tongue, but I would not touch that man with a stick".

"That's my woman" Aragorn said with a cheesy smile, pulling me into him and giving a small yet delicate kiss whilst we waited for the bodies of the men on the ships to be piled out into the water "is there something wrong?" Aragorn asked quietly, placing his hand gently on my cheek and looking into my eye "what did he say to you when we were in the mountains?" Looking into the ranger's eyes, taking in the deep blue that I haven't stared at for so long. 

"Just that I was weak and that there was something about me that interested him".

"You are everything but weak" Aragorn tells me, moving his hand to cup behind my ears.

"That's what I said" I say "but he definitely knows who and what I am".

Aragorn went to answer but was interrupted by Legolas calling for us to climb aboard the ships, kissing Aragorn gently before walking over and jumping on to the boats with Aragorn behind me. 

 After a while the boats come behind Minas Tirith, the smell of death was lingering in the air, leaning over the side of the ship, trying to reach the water even though I knew I couldn't reach it. 

"Too short" I whimpered, straightening back up and holding on to both sides of the ship, Aragorn placed his arms around my stomach and rested his head on my shoulder. 

"Im mel cin" I whispered, turning my head and looking into the man's eyes "cin are nin emel, ha belongs na cin a onlui cin" [I love you; you are my heart, it belongs to you and only you]

"Im mel cin too" Aragorn whispered, leaning in and giving me a sweet and tender kiss, after a few seconds he pulled away, but when I looked into his eyes, I couldn't help myself, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips against his. He wrapped his arms around me in the most comfortable and loving way, one of my hands was resting on his neck whilst the other laid on his face, my thumb running over the stubble that lay there.

Eventually we pulled away, my eye still closed as I already felt desperate to feel his lips against mine again, slowly I opened my eyes only to see Aragorn looking at me with a look I had seen on him countless times. 

The look of love

"I love you" I whispered, only loud enough so he could just hear.

"I love you more, more than you will ever understand Elanor".

"That's were your wrong" I replied, a warm smile on my face as I nodded gently "I so understand".

"How could you?" The ranger asked. 

"Because I feel the same way".

What I haven't realised, but in the time Aragorn and I were 'having a moment' we have advanced on Minas Tirith, we all ducked down, hiding ourselves from the oncoming orcs that were awaiting the mercenaries arrival, looking at Aragorn and I felt nerves rise in my stomach. The boats stopped next to the shore and all I could hear was fighting, swords clinging and shields ringing, men and orcs being slaughtered and screams coming from the city.

They had broken in

"Late as usual, Pirate scum!" A voice boomed over the ship, unmistakable from an orc "there's knife work here that needs doing. Come on you sea rats, get off your ships!".

Looking over at Aragorn to see him nod, moving to look at Legolas and Gimli, giving them a nod before standing and jumping out of the ship, landing on the ground with a loud thud, although it was masked by the sound of orcs and men.

"There's plenty for the both of us!" Gimli shouted, raising is axe's as we all advanced towards the orcs with our weapons raised, their expression mocking "may the best dwarf win!"

Charging towards the orcs with Aragorn next to me, the army of the dead running past us as they crashed into the orcs, the sound of the swords hitting the flesh running through the air 

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