Cross road

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"It's true you don't see many dwarf women," Gimli told Eowyn as she led the horse along "and in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance that they're often mistaken for dwarf men" Eowyn turned to look back to Aragorn making him smile. 

"It's the beards" he mumbled motioning to his chin making Eowyn chuckle. 

"This in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no dwarf woman" Gimli continued "and that dwarves just spring out of the holes in the ground" I let out a small laugh as I walked next to a group of children who seemed enthralled by Sebastian sitting on my shoulder "which of course is rid-" the dwarf didn't get to finish his sentence as the horse took off in a run leaving him to land with a thud on the ground. 

I giggled along with the children as Eowyn chased after him. 

"Is he alright Lady Elanor?" One of the children asked me. 

"He has a thick skull" I stated causing their laugher to follow, I let out a small yell when Sebastian jumped of my shoulder and started running through the grass. 

"Sebastian's getting away!" Freda shouted, tugging on my hand in excitement, I giggled at the wide eyes of the children around me. 

"Well don't just stand here!" I yelled with a laugh "catch him!"

 The children scattered around me, chasing the hedgehog through the grass, I let out a laugh at their excitement, watching them forget their worries for a moment as they ducked in the grass hoping to catch Sebastian in their small hands. 

"Come on!" Freda stated as she rand back to me, taking hold my hands to pull me forward, my laughter filled the air making all around feel a little less weary and lost while running around different people and carts, helping the children chase Sebastian, when suddenly I was tackled to the ground as the children piled on top of me, their small hands tickling my side's causing my laughter to grow. 

"We'll rest here for the night" I heard Théoden shout at his people as they came to a halt, as the children got of me I spotted Aragorn walking towards me, taking a seat next to me, he pulled the long braid from my back, holding it for me to see.

"The children wanted to do something to my hair" I explained watching as he slowly nodded, running his fingers through the hair at the end.

"They seemed to like being around you" Aragorn admitted making me smile as my eyes fell on the circle of children who sat with their legs apart, forming a bordered for Sebastian to run around in. 

"I like being around them to" I stated with a smile to him as he nodded "I have always wanted children". 

"Really?" Aragorn asked slowly not knowing what I was getting at. 

"Growing up I was an only child and watching the other children play with their siblings, I got lonely" I breathed while turning to look at him.

Looking into the distance, his hand covered mine, breaking my attention watching as he pulled my hand to rest gently on his knee, sending me a small smile.

"When I moved here, I had nobody until I found Lord Elrond, Lady Galadriel and Gandalf then of course Bilbo" I muttered sending a small smile as I pulled the handkerchief, tracing over the stitched 'B's.

"You'll have a family again" Aragorn stated in a low whisper making a shiver run through me while my blue eyes met his, sending me a smile as his fingers moved in soothing circles on the back of my hand, 

"Though you already have one starting" I smiled looking to Legolas and Gimli as they walked around the camp, I held back a sigh when Aragorn leaned over slowly nuzzle against my neck, making my head fall against his. 

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