The End

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My sword clashed into countless orcs, adrenaline pushing through my body once more as I fought next to Aragorn, the orcs just kept on coming and no matter what I did, there was no opportunity to stop. Turning around to see Merry and Pippin fighting side by side, their swords raised as they spun around furiously, slicing anything that was in their way, ducking quickly to avoid an axe to the head as I plunged my sword into an orcs stomach. 

Suddenly a loud growl filtered through the air, causing myself and Aragorn to stop immediately and look towards the oncoming threat.

A large cave troll made its way towards us growling as it came, killing a few orcs before picking up an axe and throwing it towards the troll. The axe hit its shoulder, but it simply pulled it out and continued advancing towards Aragorn and I. 

Going to retrieve another axe, when an orc pushed me to the ground, raising its axe and bring it down. I just had time to move my head to the right, just in time for the axe to hit the ground and not my brain. With a loud grunt, I pushed the orc off of me, kicking it hard in the head before plunging my sword into its neck causing it to squirm vigorously before taking one last breath, looking up searching for Aragorn and finding that he was nowhere. 

I was about to call out his name, when an ear-piercing screech rippled through the sky, my eyes planted on Gandalf, to whom was being in direct sight of the Nazgul, trying to make my way over to help the wizard but the orcs were too many. 

"The eagles!" The voice of Pippin called out near me "the eagles are coming!" Looking at the sky and seeing a few large eagles attack the Nazgul but quickly when back to slicing of the head of an orc as I continued to look for Aragorn. 

"Aragorn!" A voice shouted from behind my shoulder, turning around to see Legolas being trapped by a few orcs as he tried desperately to get past them. Following his gaze, seeing the cave troll with his foot on top of Aragorn.

"Aragorn!" I shouted, jumping over an orc as I tried to reach the ranger, I may not be able to see it, but I know he is in pain as the troll began to press harder on to his body. Killing a few more orcs before shouting in orcish. 

"Ek parmab ro nah-ri" [Get off of him]

Then everything stopped

The cave troll looked behind him and then ran away as though it had been told to forget about the battle. Helping Aragorn up, my eyes landing upon the tower that had made everyone stop. 

The eye of Sauron began to flare, spitting fire as it screeched in pain, looking around frantically. I found Aragorns hand, taking a hold of it as we all looked towards the tower when suddenly it began to crumble, slowly collapsing to the floor as the screeching stopped, along with everything else. 

"Frodo!" Merry shouted, his sword in the air as we all stood shocked "Frodo!"

Everyone started to yell in victory as the black gate began to crumble as the orcs tried to run away but the ground beneath them collapses, but Aragorn and I just continued to stand there in shock that the two hobbits had manged to do the task. 

"They did it" was the only think I said with a smile. 

But the happiness soon faded

Mount Doom erupted, lava spurted through the top of the volcano as ash and fire made its way down the side. Tears started to form starting from sadness to grief in seconds, watching the mountain cover itself in boiling lave, turning to Aragorn to see nothing but disbelief in his eyes.

 Merry was lying on the floor with Pippin sitting right next to him crying and crying Frodo's name then there was Gandalf the man who sent Frodo on this task was also crying, pulling the Mithril shirt out from his cloak and holding on to it, because there was a good chance that the two hobbits wouldn't have made it out of the mountain in time but then again anything it possible. 

"We have to go up there" I said desperately, looking to Gandalf with tears in my eyes "we have to see if they are alive".


"We have to see, they might have gotten out and are on a rock ledge".

"Okay" Gandalf said, wiping his tears as he held on to the Mithril shirt tight, his voice quiet "but it will take time".

"The eagles" I say simply "we take three and go and get them".

"Let's go" Gandalf said already moving, kissing Aragorn's cheek before following Gandalf. 

Walking to back to the mainland where we can climb on top of the birds, once we were up in the air Gandalf took control and instead of going in threw where the black gates once stood, we went right to the back and flew towards Mount Doom. 

It didn't take us long to find them, lying down on a ledge completely exhausted. Gwaihir the eagle Gandalf was flying picked up Frodo while Landroval and I picked up Sam, the third eagle Meneldor came to with us to pick up Sméagol, Gandalf was hoping that there was a chance that he could be saved but even if he was saved, he would not live long. 

But in the end, two hobbits had saved Middle Earth

The war was over and now nothing, but happiness will lay ahead. Peace would be restored over the earth and the evil that once kept the world at bay would now be a story. With children over the earth would hear the story of Frodo and Sam and their journey to destroy the ring of power. The stories of great battles would go through history and there would be people who knew or are related to people who once fought in them battles, but future generations would never realise what the world used to be and how hard people before them fought for their freedom and safety because in the end of all things dark and dangerous, purity and joy will replace all things evil. 

Sometimes it just takes time and heartache to get to that stage.

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