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"Frodo!" Sam shouted ducking under a wraith as strider comes from the shadows wielding his sword and torch. The four hobbits watched as the man who they have only known for four days put his life on the line to save them.

Blocking each hit from the wraiths sword and setting two of the wraiths on fire did they retreat running to their horses and running into the forest.

"Strider Help!" Merry shouted as Strider makes his way over to the hobbits.

"Frodo" he breathed as the hobbits breathing raggedly through his body, as Aragorn pulls up his shirts to see a dark bloody hole on Frodo's chest not too far from his heart. The hobbits become more worried as Frodo's quickly gaps for breath as the pain overtakes him.

"He's been stabbed by a Morgul blade" Aragorn muttered as he picks up the blade only for the blade to evaporate in his hand.

"This is beyond my skill to heal" he said as he picks up Frodo "he needs elvish medicine" and with that Aragorn and the hobbits collect Bill and make a run for Rivendell.

"Hurry!" Aragorn shouted ordering the hobbits to do so as the high screeches echoes throw the early morning.

"We're six days away from Rivendell, he'll never make it!" Sam shouted to Aragorn as he pulls Bill along with them.

Aragorn slows down to a stop, placing the wheezing hobbit on the ground with his friends quickly gathering around him as Aragorn looking around rapidly.

"Look, Master Frodo, Master Bilbo's trolls" Sam tries to talk to Frodo but only gets wheezing back.

"He's going cold" Sam calls out, his voice ripping across the forest as Aragorn snaps his attention to the four hobbits "is he going to die?" Pippin asks his eye tearing up that he may lose one of his friends.

"He's passing into the shadow world" Aragorn informs them, placing a hand in Frodo face "he'll soon become a wraith-like them if he doesn't get medicine" he continues as Frodo gaped his eyes start to switch between his light blue to a cloudy grey mist.

"Sam" Aragorn calls the hobbit over, who reluctantly moves from his friend's side "Do you know the Athelas plant?" He asked the hobbit.

"Athelas?" Sam questioned his face showing confusion.

"Kingsfoil" Aragorn called it by its other name.

"Kingsfoil aye" Sam paused "that's a weed".

"It may help slow the position" Aragorn explained before the man and hobbit hurry off into the forest looking for Athelas while still listening to Frodo wailing in the dark.

Aragorn was the first to find the Athelas, pulling out his dagger to cut only to get stopped by a sword to his throat.

"What's this a ranger caught off his guard" a voice was heard, a voice of a woman.

Aragorn looks to his left to see a woman he knows far too well.

Aragorn returns to the hobbits with the mysterious woman following behind him.

"What is she?" Merry asked.

"She an elf" Sam breathed in shock as Aragorn and the woman knelt beside Frodo, placing the Athelas on his stab wound.

"He's fading" the  woman stated as she rose "He's not going to last".

"Can you do something?" Aragorn asked.

"My powers are not fully developed, we must get him to Lord Elrond" Aragorn quickly picks up Frodo and place's him on the horse.

"I've been looking for you for two days, there are four wraiths behind you the other five I do not know" the elf says.

"Where are you taking him?" Merry asked but was ignored.

"Dartho guin Beriain. Rych le ad tolthathon" Aragorn tells the elf. [Stay with the hobbits, I'll send horses.]

"Hon mabathon. Rochon ellint im" the woman argued back. [I'm the faster rider, I'll take him.]

"Andelu I ven" Aragorn tries again to get the woman to switch with him. [The road is too dangerous.]

"What are they saying?" Pippin asked only to get ignored again.

"If I can get across the river the power of Lord Elron will protect him" the woman pauses "I do not fear them".

Aragorn grabs the woman's hand when suddenly a ruling came from the bushes from the left.

Aragorn and the hobbits instantly pulled out their swords as the ruling continues to move when a hedgehog comes tumbling down.

"Sebastian" the woman breathed bending down to collect the hedgehog while Aragorn makes sure Frodo doesn't fall from the horse, the woman gets back on to him as she places Sebastian in her pocket.

Just before she rides of Aragorn grabs her hand again.

"Elanor, ride hard don't look back" Aragorn tells her before Elanor tells Asfaloth to "Noro lim, Asfaloth, noro lim" before she rides into the night. [Ride fast, Asfaloth, ride fast.]

"What are you doing?! Those wraiths are still out there!" Sam shouted after Elanor.

▪️Elanor POV▪️

The thundering of hooves split the silence as we galloped through the open landscape. The wind wisped his mane into the air like flames. Asfaloth was his name. His muscles rippled from under his freshly groomed pelt and his powerful legs. I propelled him forward and kept him going as he powered over the land hoping we can get to Rivendell by the evening if not by nightfall.

Riding through the forest I hear the sound of hooves before I see some of the wraiths heading straight for us and the rest won't be far away.

By asking Asfaloth to go faster to get away from the wraiths I ended up scratching my face from the long branches of trees that I have Asfaloth dodging them.

Coming to the wide opening of land I now have all nine of the wraiths in a triangle behind me getting closer and closer until one's hand was inches away from Frodo.

Pleading with Aslafoth to go faster we enter the other forest, I lead Aslafoth to move around the trees to put the wraiths off, riding between them, then jumping over a falling tree which leads me to the river of the Misty Mountain.

Making it across the river I stopped and watched as the wraiths stop and re-join in a line.

"Gives the halfling, she-elf" the leader of the Ringwraith's shouted at me.

"If you want him, come and claim him!" I shouted back pulling out my sword showing them I'm not afraid as they pull out their swords as well.

Nine against one

As the wraiths head into the river I edge Asfaloth forward as I chant to the river.

"Nîn o Chithaeglir
Lasto Beth daer;
Rimmo Nîn Bruinen
Dan in Ulaer!"

[Waters of the Misty Mountains
Listen to the great word;
Flow waters of Loudwater
Against the Ringwraith's]

Hearing the roaring of the river coming around the corner I pull Asfaloth back so the water will not get us and it seems that I got the wraiths by surprise as they realised too late that they can't outrun the water and the go swept away.

Unfortunately, Frodo couldn't bear the pain any longer and was slowly falling off the slide of Asfaloth, putting him on the ground his eyes began to fade quicker.

"Frodo, no" I breathe "Frodo don't give in, not now".

Realising that there is nothing I can do but pray that Lord Elron hears my cries and helps Frodo.

"Frodo, lasto beth nîn,
Tolo Dan nan galad"

[Frodo hear my voice
come back to the light]

Sometimes it takes one prayer to change everything

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