Chapter 27: The Joys of Divorce

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Didn't leave you hanging!


Stan sighed as he walked up the steps of the porch to his family's house, he had left Kyle's not too long ago after his parents came back, clearly hungover, and promised to call him once he made it home. He reached for the door and opened it, he didn't say anything as he reached for his phone only to hear his mother call him from the kitchen. "Stan can you come here for a minute, I need to talk to you."

The goth bit back a groan but stalked over to the doorway and saw his mom sitting at the table while holding a cup, their eyes met for a moment and she asked, "Care to sit."

He quirked a brow but sat, "What is it?"

She took a deep breath, "Stan, you know your father and I have been drifting apart for years, and how he's changed since he got this farm."

Stan nodded, and she continued, "I've thought this over, long and hard, and I want to do what's best for us, and after last night, I put my foot down to him, and I know we made you and Shelly go through this once, and I wanted to wait until after you graduated, but after everything he's done, I had."

"What are you saying?"

"I told him I want a divorce."

Brown eyes went wide as the corners of his lips twitched up, "R-really?"

Sharon nodded, "Yes."

"For real this time?"

His mother sighed, "He's a different man, he's not who I married. I was actually hoping he'd get arrested or something so I wouldn't have to deal with him for a divorce, but this town and their backward logic. I can't handle him anymore, and you don't deserve to have to deal with this anymore."

She was silent for a moment before continuing, "I'm sorry Stan. I haven't been the mother you needed, but, I want to do better," she looked up and met her son's eyes, "I learned that our old house is back on the market, and I've got plenty of my own money, so we can go back home."


She nodded, "I have a meeting with lawyers tomorrow and I'll be talking with the real estate agent who's showing the house, hopefully, if things go to plan we can move in, in about a month. So if you want you can start packing up so it's easier and faster to get out."

Stan stared at his mother for a moment before standing and wrapping his arms around her in a hug, her eyes went wide for a moment, when was the last time Stan had hugged her? The goth stayed for a moment before pulling away with a smile on his face, "Thanks, mom."

Sharon smiled back, this was one of the first times she's seen him happy around the house. Stan then walked out of the kitchen and went to the stairs. He pulled his phone out as a giddy feeling filled his chest, as he climbed the stairs he pressed a contact and held the phone to his ear as it rang.

Once he made it to his room the person on the other side picked up, "Hey Stan, what's up?"

One could hear the same in Stan's voice as he heard his boyfriend's voice and replied, "Guess who's gonna be your neighbor."


Yes, this was short but not much else to say. Randy as a father has just gotten worse, even in the new specials. This deserves to happen. Does he make an appearance again after this? I don't think so. What do you think?

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