Chapter 9: Plague

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I need to get my schedule fixed...


He let out a groan as he felt himself being shaken, "Kyle, Kyle you need to get up."

He let out another groan, his eyes felt heavy as he forced them open to see his little brother looking over him in concern, and felt a small warm body curled up next to his side "I-ke," his voice cracked, sounding rough and sore. "Kyle, you don't look good, are you okay?"

"Yeah," he forced himself into a sitting position, causing the small body to move and reveal itself to be Beast, still asleep, his limbs felt heavy, "Why?"

"You look sick."

"I'm fine, why are you here."

"You slept in so I came to wake you."

He glanced over at his clock, seeing that he slept in twenty minutes past his usual time he gets up, "Ugh, okay let me get dressed and we'll head on..."

"Are you sure-?"

"I'm okay, really." he stood, now out from under his warm blankets and sleeping cat, he felt the chill air and shivered, and sneezed, "Give me five minutes, don't got time to mess with my hair."

Ike gave his brother a worried look, Kyle's eyes were rimmed red and watery, his skin was pale, and his nose was red and kind of runny, it was obvious that he was sick, but knowing Kyle's pride he wasn't going to tell, but he gave his brother an, "Okay," and left the room.

Kyle watched his brother leave and rubbed his nose, feeling it irritated as he let out another sneeze, sniffling he walked over to his closet and dug around, he shivered again and goosebumps covered his bare arms. He grabbed a long-sleeved V-neck shirt, a pair of jeans, an orange jacket with chest pockets, and forced them on, he also found a pair of gloves, a scarf, and an old familiar green ushanka and put those on as well.

He rubbed his watery eyes after he put on his hat, "You're fine," he told himself as he picked up his school bag and made his way downstairs, where he saw his younger brother about to say something to their mom, "Ike, let's go."

Said teen frowned but sighed, "Alright."

Kyle removed his green hat and shoved it in his bag when he exchanged it for his beloved helmet, taking note of the narrowed eyes his mom had on him but didn't question it as he quickly assumed she was just cranky about something, Ike picked up a similar helmet like Kyle's only it was red and white with a maple leaf on the sides.

"Be careful boys!"

"We will."

So with that they walked out the door and towards Kyle's dirt bike, after getting situated, Ike clung to his brother's back as they went off towards school, Kyle trying not to shiver as the cold air bit him through his clothes.


At school, Kyle walked down the hall, his green hat back on his head, as he made it to his locker, where he saw Bebe talking to, from the looks of it, Wendy. "Oh hey, Kylie!"

The red-headed teen gave a halfhearted wave as he opened his locker, his movement sluggish as he looked like he could lose his balance at any moment. Wendy and Bebe exchanged glances before the blonde said, "You don't look so good, are you feeling alright?"

"Just peach-" he broke into a coughing fit, nearly doubling over at the force, the two girls took a step back to avoid any spray.

"You sound awful."

After his fit was over he straightened up and took some deep breaths, "I'm fine."

"Kyle if you're sick, you could infect the school."

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