Chapter 21: Learning About You

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"No way!"

Stan nodded, "Yeah dude."

"But that's fuckin' insane there's no way ya took over a tv show like that."

The goth raised a brow, "Want proof?"

He pulled out his phone and typed something before handing it to the redhead, the other teen took it and looked at the screen and his eyes widen, there on the screen was a 10-year-old Stan on a show about saving whales and dolphins, how was he not made aware of this before, he couldn't help but smile as he looked over at the goth.

Stan blinked and asked, "What?"

"You were a cute kid."

The raven's face turned a dark shade of red as he took his phone away from his boyfriend and looked away.

Kyle smirked as he leaned against the smaller teen and wrapped his arm around his shoulder, "Awe, don't be like that, you were, but for real how the hell did ya hijack a tv show?"

Stan sighed and shrugged, "I don't even remember anymore, it was so long ago..." He then leaned back against the other and rested his eyes, "Your turn."

"Alright, uh, in middle school my parents had bars installed over my windows so I couldn't sneak out."

Stan opened his eyes and looked up, "Isn't that extreme? Even for you?"

Kyle shrugged, "I don't know, maybe, but it wasn't like it stopped me, Ike would let me sneak in from his window on nights I did."

"Did they ever find out?"

"Don't think so, if they did mom would've gone into hysterics about it for weeks."

Stan let out a laugh, "Is she ever not?"

"Not that I know of, she's always going on about something or other. Anyway, back to ya."

Stan sighed and thought for a moment before asking, "Do you know me and the others have a band?"

"You have a band?!"

"Yeah, we haven't practiced in a while though, then again Michael is kinda stressing about this being his last year. Parents breathing down his neck and other stupid shit."

Kyle let out a groan, "Parents really just need ta' fuck off with that shit."

"For real."

"So then what's your part?"

"Lead singer."

"Really? What do ya guys sing?"

"Death metal."

Kyle gave a laugh, "Not surprising, care to let me hear ya?"

Stan blinked, "Have you ever listened to any death metal music before?"

"Nope, but doesn't mean I don't wanna hear ya."

The goth's face darkened red again, but shook his head, "There are recordings online...but you can look it up later."

The redhead smiled at the goth as he pulled him closer, almost into his lap, still noting that he was light for his age and height, "Awe, don't be embarrassed, at least now I can say I have a music artist boyfriend."

Stan's face darkened but sighed. The two boys were at Kyle's house, his parents were gone and Ike was hanging out with Firkle, so it was just the two of them, they only had a few days left till they had to return to school so they decided to just have a day to just talk, as cheesy as it sounds, but it was important to communicate in a relationship, so they were working on that by telling each other things that have happened in their lives.

The goth leaned against Kyle's chest and rested his eyes closed, he and the redhead have been together for about a week and he felt rather comfortable around the other. Only to feel a familiar itch in the back of his head, "I need a smoke."

Kyle released the smaller teen who took his almost empty cigarette case from his pant pocket and picked one out and placed it between his lips, he walked over to the window opening it up a bit and lighting it up, he knew how Kyle's mother hated her son smoking weed, and she believes that he hasn't been even though that couldn't be further from the truth, and if she smelt cigarette smoke she may lose it, and he does not want to deal with Kyle getting chewed out because of that.

Kyle sat on his bed and watched the other blow smoke out of the window, only for the goth to start coughing, it was hard and sounded painful, much like when he had an asthma attack, fear spiked in his chest as he stood and went over to Stan's side, he was still coughing and was now clutching at the shirt over his chest, his face was glowing red as he was wheezing, not being able to get enough air.

The goth dropped his lit cigarette out the window, as that was where it was when he started his coughing fit, his eyes were watering as he leaned against the wall and slid down, Kyle held onto his shoulders to keep him upright, with panic clear in his eyes, "Where's your inhaler?!"

Stan continued to cough, his grip on his shirt changed to his neck, as tears blurred his vision, he couldn't think straight, as it was getting harder and harder to breathe and his brain was scrambling for a solution. He heard Kyle ask where his inhaler was, although barley, and he coughed out a reply that it was in his backpack. The redhead crawled over to the bag and started to ransack it, his eyes darting over every item as he was trying to find the small medicine container, he was able to find it at the bottom of the bag. He then crawled back over to the coughing teen and held the device to his lips, he knew what to do after watching the other goths help him last time he had an attack.

"Okay Stan, can you hear me? When I get to three breathe okay? one, two, three!" He pressed the top of the inhaler and the goth took a deep breath, they then repeated the motion till Stan felt his airways relax and he pulled away, coughing a bit of mucus up before slouching against the wall, taking easy breathes, with a few stay tears streaking down his face.

Kyle was right by his side, still holding the inhaler with a clearly worried look on his face with wide eyes as he demanded, "Are you okay, do we need to take you to a hospital?!"


"No you are not, this one was really bad!"

"Dude...I'm fine...besides not like...the idiots at the hospital...know what they're doing."

Kyle blinked at the goth before letting out a sigh, "Are you sure you're alright?"


The redhead slumped against the wall next to the goth who had almost regained his breath, "I know ya probably don't want me to say this, but you should cut back from that shit."

Stan's brown eyes looked over at the other, he knew where he was coming from, even though he didn't want to admit it, he knew he was right, recently he's been having more asthma attacks then he had been before most of the time, they almost always start up when he's smoking. However, he sure as hell did not want to give it up, at least not yet, as it was one of the few solaces he got on that rathole farm he had to call home, and he wasn't going to turn to weed because Randy is the reason that he's grown to resent the herb. Which knowing Kyle, he was going to tell the others about this attack, wouldn't surprise him if Michael, Pete, or Henriette made him promise to tell them if he had one, and Kyle was a guy who was always true to his word.

The goth let out a sigh as he leaned his head on Kyle's shoulder, "I can't promise you that I can stop...not right away, but...I'll try is all I can say..."

Kyle sighed and leaned against the other and looped an arm around his waist, "I wasn't expectin' an overnight drop, it takes time to stop that, but I'll be with ya all the way. I just don't want ya to hurt yourself."

Stan let out a breath and closed his eyes, "Okay."

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