Chapter 33: I Got You

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Sorry for being a week late, was busy last week and it slipped my mind. But here it is, a continuation of the cliffhanger, enjoy.


"Stan? Stan!" Kyle gripped his phone tighter as he yelled into his phone, trying to get a response from his boyfriend who was abruptly cut off, he heard the phone fall and what sounded like a struggle. He bolted towards the large house, throwing open the door, not acknowledging the people he bumped into, "Stan?! Stan!" 

His head jerked to every corner of the room, only seeing those who were not his boyfriend. He said he was in the back, so the backyard! He shoved people out of the way, ignoring their protests or drunken words of annoyance. What was going on? What happened to Stan? And why are there so many damn people in the way?!

He finally shoved his way towards the backdoor and threw it open, "STAN!"

His sea-green eyes darted all over the year, it was huge but there were no signs of the goth, he stepped forward only to feel something under his foot. Looking down, his eyes widen as he saw Stan's phone on the ground. He quickly scooped it up and scanned the area again and yielded n results. Fear gripped his heart like a cool metal claw, where was he?!

He rushed back in. Yelling Stan's name, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears as the music blasted louder than his voice. His heart was racing, where was he?!

He could feel himself start to shake, but he couldn't focus on that now, Stan was in trouble, he didn't know what? He jerked when he felt a hand press against his shoulder, spinning on his heels to see who touched him, only to see bright blue eyes and an orange parka. "Woah now, easy Kylie, what's wrong?"

Kyle's eyes darted around, "I can't find Stan!"

Kenny gave the other a confused look, "I mean I'm sure he's here around here some-"

"No, someone took him!" Kenny looked at him with wide eyes, "What?"

"I was on the phone with him, when he was cut off, and there sounded like a struggle, and I went and I found his phone in the backyard on the ground!" Kyle held up Stan's phone to show, yelling with frantic nerves. Kenny placed his hands on Kyle's shoulders, keeping his feet planted on the ground and stilling some of his shakings. 

"Hey, you need to breathe. You won't be able to find him like this."



Kyle stared for a moment before following the blonde's instruction and holding it.


The redhead breathed out.

"And in."

He did it again.

"And out."

He continued to follow Kenny's instructions until his head was no longer swimming and his heart wasn't hammering in his chest. "Are you good now?" Kyle nodded. "Good, now do you have any idea where he could have gone or who would take him and why?"

The redhead shook his head, his hands gripping Stan's phone. Who would take Stan?

"Hey did you hear? Rumor has it that there's gonna be a meeting of that cult tonight."

Kyle's head jerked to see two freshmen huddled in a corner whispering to each other, that cult again.

"Dude where do you get this shit from? You know it's made up."

"No for real! Where do you think all of those missing people go?"

"Okay...say it is real, where is this so-called cult meeting tonight?"

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