I Love You.

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Kyle and Stan walked through the entrances with their wrists newly branded with paper bracelets, Ike and Firkle already running off with Ike promising to text in a few hours before disappearing into the crowds.

The fair was in town for the start of summer and people from not just South Park, but other counties too arrived to have fun for the few days that it would be there. About everyone from South Park High was going to be there, including the goths. Kyle glanced at Stan, who shuffled slightly, picking at the hem of his gloves as he glanced around the crowd. Kyle gently reached over and grabbed Stan's wrist, making the other look up at him, "Hey, it's gonna be okay."

Stan took a slow deep breath and let it out, "Yeah."

The redhead smiled as he began to pull the goth with him, "Come on, I know a few rides you may like."

He received an eye roll, but there was an obvious smile there as they made their way into the crowds.

Five fast-paced, and dizzying rides later, Stan was hunched over a trash can puking his small breakfast up as Kyle patted his back and attempted to keep any of Stan's longer locks away from the mess. He pulled up after a brief moment of trying to catch his breath, Kyle headed him a napkin and asked, "You okay to keep going? We can leave."

Stan shook his head as he wiped his mouth after spitting into the trashcan one more time ridding the bile taste from his mouth. "This is nothing, I use to throw up all the time in elementary school because of crushes."

"You'd throw up because of crushes?"

"Yeah, never was sent home early for that, but I'll be good, just been a while." He shook his head at the memory, but took some steps away from the trashcan, his eyes landing on a spinner ride, "How about that one now?"

Kyle turned to look, "Can you handle it?"

The goth shrugged, "I'll be fine."


Kyle growled as he slammed a five-dollar bill on the table, for the past 10 minutes Stan was attempting to win one of these rigged carnival games. It was hoops, just throw the basketball in the hoop a few times to win a prize, and Kyle can now see that Stan is a terrible shot. He moved Stan over, "I got it," and took the offered balls from the sleazy-lookin' carnie. 

The balls were just barely small enough to fit into the hoops so shenanigans can't be called, but if shot just right...

He aimed and shot the ball right into the hoop, there was a jeer from the sleaze bag, but couldn't get far with whatever he was about to say as Kyle took shot after shot easily making it into the tight hoop until he ran out of balls. He turned to the man with a cocky grin and asked, "So about our prizes?"

The man scowled, "Take your picks..."

Kyle nodded towards the hanging cheap prizes and said, "What ya want Kitten?"

They got two medium-sized plushies, one that was called an 'I Don't Care Bear' that was light grey with a black crow on its belly and a tired look that Kyle picked for Stan. While Stan picked out a bright blue cat with bulging zonked eyes, it was cute in a derpy way.

The two walked away with their prizes, swearing no more games for the day.

Until they saw Craig and Tweek struggling at a game, with a shared glance, they agreed to help out, but no more after. "Hey, Craig need some help?"

He received a middle finger in response, buy Kyle knew by now that there was nothing behind it, just a habit. He laughed as they waltzed over and helped them with a ballon dart game.

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