Chapter 4: Buddy Project

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Kylie-B leaned back in his seat, balancing on the back legs, as he tried to think of a way to get on that jerk goth's good side. Even though he was the one who started it the other day, like he didn't do shit and the guy and suddenly seemed to have had it out for him, like seriously, what the hell.

The redhead chewed on his inner lip as he ignored the scrapping of the desk chair next to him, where the goth teen shot him a dirty look before sitting down, which he didn't notice. Kylie-B's thoughts were interrupted however when the balding teacher entered the room and slammed the door shut. "Alright you little shits, get your pens and shit out and take notes..."

After 45 minutes of the balding man ranting on lord knows what, that really had nothing to do with the lesson, heck subject he was teaching, he finally he dropped a presentation on them out of nowhere, and started to pair kids up, "Craig you're with Token, Nichole's with Red, Bebe and Clyde, Wendy and Tweek, Stan and Kyle, Kenny and Jimmy-"

"What the hell?"

"Is there a problem Stanley?"

"Yes there is."

"Well too bad, I don't care. Annie you're with Eric..."

Kylie-B watched as the goth gritted his teeth at the old man and dug his fingers into the sides of his desk, what the hell was so bad about being paired up with him?

At the bell, Stan grabbed his stuff and tried to bolt, only to feel a hand grab his shoulder in the hallway, he turned to glare at whoever the hell touched him when he saw his presentation partner there. "Look, I know we got off on the wrong foot, but how about we put that behind us?"

The goth's eyes glared at the gelled haired teen before walking off with out saying anything, the redheaded teen's hands curled into fists and his teeth gritted at the act, only to take a deep breath and bottle up the feeling, his hands slowly unclenched, he could work with this.

A few days later, Stan stalked his way to class, not having done shit for his and that bastard's presentation, and continued his way to the back of the room, choosing to ignore the red haired teen he was forced to sit next to, not noticing the papers he had in hand, looking over them before glancing over at the him and seeing he made it.

"See you decided not to skip out emo."

The goth turned and glared at the other, not able to say anything as Kylie-B kept going, "Now since I did all the work, you get to say it. Here." He handed a neatly stapled stack of papers, a confused look crossed his face as he looked over the typed, neatly organized, and highly detailed packet of papers. What the living hell?

Before he could say anything, the teacher walked in and called on the first group to present. After about half the class was done, Stan and Kylie-B were called on, with a sigh the goth got up with the other walking behind him to the front. Stan stood front and center as while Kylie-B just went to the side and sat on top of the teacher's desk.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"


"On my desk?"

The red head shrugged as he turned to face the goth, barely making out the teacher muttering something about how he should've just let those assassins have him. Stan's brown eyes met his sea green as he motioned for him to get on with it. With a roll of his eyes he read the paper, well more like attempted. "...So Set being born of incest...what the hell, then cut himself out of his mother and married his full sister...what the fuck is this?" He flipped a few pages of the packet earning a glare from Kylie-B, "Uh...Nut married Ra, but she screwed her brothers, sick, and got knocked up by their kids, what the fucking...and Ra's kid... dude what the fuck is this sick shit?!"

Kylie-B continued to glare at the goth, "Well maybe if you didn't skip around and read it for fucking context."

"Not my fault I don't know half this shit."

The red head stood from the desk and walked to the goth's place, "Well maybe we could've done a different topic if ya put your two cents in and not blow me off!"

"W-wow get a r-room you two, no o-one needs to s-see your obvious s-sex-sexual tension."

The class busted into a giggle fit as deep blush flooded Stan's face, and a light pink dusted Kylie-B's, before both snapping, ""We don't even know each other!"

The balding teacher broke up the giggle fest, "Alright class, settle down. You boys can take your seats. You both get an A."

Stan gave his a suspicious and confused look, "Really?"

"Well since you both already bicker like a married couple and actually gave me some fucking entertainment in the damn place, I'd say you earned it."

Kylie-B's eye twitched before he took the paper from Stan's hands, tossed it on the teacher's desk, and walked back to his seat, muttering to himself, "The fuck is wrong with this school?"

He sat down, Stan following not far behind, as he pinched the bridge of his nose and let out an irritated breath. Not noticing Stan's brown eyes glancing over at him as the presentations continued.

The bell soon rang, signaling the kids to head to their next class, Kylie-B shoved his things in his pack when he saw the teen in black standing next to his desk. "What do you want?"

The goth took a breath, "Look I'd like to say that I'm sorry."

The redhead raised a brow, "Really, you gonna give me a reason you were such an ass wipe when I didn't do shit to you?"

The raven haired teen's hands fidgeted with his fingerless gloves, "If you didn't hear, a kid went missing some weeks ago, his name was Butters, and he sat there. And I was just pissed at how this conformist prison just swept his disappearance under the rug, sure the first week they said something, but after that, it was like he never existed. And them placing you there, it just rubbed me the wrong way."

Kylie-B's eyes softened, "I get it. So is it fine if we start from scratch then?"

Stan resisted the urge to roll his eyes and walk off, "Fine. I'm Stan Marsh."

"And I'm Kylie-B."

"I am not calling you that."

The other teen shrugged, "Whatever," he stood from his seat, him being an inch or so taller then the other, "See ya around then?"

The goth shrugged. Then they left, going their separate ways for the next class.


Hey I'm back! Quick question, how much angst should these boys get? Comment and tell me what you think, until next time!

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