Chapter 22: Bathroom Panic!

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Kylie-B opened his locker and pulled a textbook out of the small compartment when he noticed someone walking up to him, it was a face he knew, but one he's never interacted with non-hostility. "Kahl right?"

Eric Cartman.

He barely gave him a second glance as he moved things around in the locker to try and find his notes for the class he was about to head to, "What's it to ya?"

"You're from Jersey right?"

Kylie-B rolled his eyes as he asked again with a hint of more venom, "What's it to ya?"

"My you're impatient, I just wanted to say that I couldn't help but notice that you and Stan have gotten close, am I wrong."

"What's your point?" He was trying to hurry and get the notes to leave.

"Well I'm just wondering what jersey ginger is doing with such a gloomy bitch like him," Kylie-B's nails dug into the textbook in his arm, "I mean I thought all jerseities liked others like themselves, loud, obnoxious, violent. I mean, you seem to fit that bill well."

"Get to your point!"

"Ai! Don't be telling me what to do you filthy ginger!"

"How about you fuck off then!"

The large teen growled at the taller redheaded one, "It's bad enough that I have to talk to a dirty Jersey ginger, wouldn't surprise me if you were a disgusting greedy jew as well."

There was a sudden loud crashing, as Kylie-B slammed his locker door shut and turned to the brunet teen if looks could kill, Kylie-B would have reduced Cartman into ash. Only for the corner of his mouth to twitch up as he gave a short giggle, "Well, lucky for you, you fat fuck," he walked around the other to be standing in front of him with the lockers behind, he punched the lockers right next to Cartman's head, causing said teen to flinch a bit, "You sure gotta lot of nerve ya muff cabbage," he gave an unsettling grin, "But for yer' information, I am Jewish you anti-Semitic piece of shit!" He pretty much spat in the teen's face, who was almost cowering.

"Now mind yer own damn business ya hear?"

Cartman didn't say anything when the pissed teen stepped back, he only ran away and was out of sight once he turned the corner. Kylie-B gave a laugh and muttered, "Pussy."

He readjusted his things, actually finding his notes before he scared off the nuisance, he turned down the hallway towards his class, ignoring the few whispers that filled the hall, as it did become very quiet when he slammed his locker to scare the annoying batty teen. He needed to be put in his place.


After class all the students were directed to go to the auditorium, apparently, there was going to be an announcement of some kind, Kylie-B didn't think too much about it as he made it to the door and saw Stan standing by the door, his brown eyes glancing up every now and then as if he was looking for something, the redhead smiled as he stepped out of the line he was behind and walked right up to his boyfriend, "Hey Kitten, wain' on me?"

Stan rolled his eyes but nodded. This caused the taller of the two to grin and lean against him, "So what is this thing about?"

"Who knows, PC Principal tends to have these when there is an issue that he or someone wants to address, he doesn't let anyone skip these."

"Alright, well let's find us a seat then?" Kyle-B suggested as he slipped his hand into Stan's, who gently squeezed back. They walked in and were lucky enough to find two empty seats next to each other near the end of a row, so easier to get out when the assembly was over. The room was filled with students from all grades, and Kylie-B was able to see his little brother sitting in one of the front rows next to the youngest of the goths, he smiled a bit at it, seeing his little brother being close with Firkle was nice, as he knows it has been hard on him to make friends at their old schools.

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