Chapter 8: This is Halloween

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"Hey you're the guy who got into a fight with my girlfriend aren't you?"

Kylie-B slammed his locker closed, coming face to face with the same blonde that Wendyl was talking to the other week, she had long curly frizzy hair, wore a red coat with black pants, her face wearing a light layer of makeup, and she had a nice rack on her. His sea green eyes met her hazel orbs, "Maybe, what's it to ya?"

"I was wanting to invite you to my halloween bash this Friday," she said as she pulled out a piece of orange paper and handed it to him, he looked it over and looked back up at the blond. "Wendyl told me what you did for him, standing up against his dad and all, and you seem pretty cool."

The redhead cocked an eyebrow, "Ya really think, also I never got your name?"

"It's Bebe, also it's a costume party, and there's a theme, Stick of Truth."

"Stick of what?"

"You know Stick of- oh that's right you didn't grow up here, well it was a big game we all were a part of as kids. It's pretty much Midevil fantasy, with elves and stuff," she looked up and down his figure and smirked, "Elf."


"Since you wern't here you need to come as something, and you seem like an elf. An Elven prince."


"Yup, so see you at the party?"

Kylie-B gave a half smile, "Sure."

"Great, party starts at eight. See you there," She then continued down the hall to another student. Kylie-B looked back down at the flyer, a smile still present on his face, it's been awhile since he was at a party.


That Friday night, Kylie-B could be heard stepping down the stairs, his fingers running through his hair, trying to flatten his curls. "Ma, I'm going out!"

"Not until I see what you're wearing."

The teen let out a groan as he turned away from the door, trying to slip his worn tennis shoes on, to face his mom as she walked in, this wasn't the first time she's done this.

She looked over his costume, which was a modest one if he was honest, as he wore a red jacket with golden accents and swirls decorating the fabric over a black t-shirt, black fingerless gloves, and black sweatpants, his red hair was slicked back, unlike his usual updo style, although some curls kept trying to break through the gel, and had cheep plastic pointed ear tips attached to his ears. Nothing to out there.

"What are you suppose to be?"

He let out a sigh, "I'm elf prince, or something like that."

Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, "You're not wearing another costume under that to change into once you leave, are you?"

He glared at her at the question, "Mom that was one time, and no."

After a few moments of eye contact she relented, "Fine, go ahead, but if I catch wind of any pot or alcohol you'll be in so much trouble."

"I know, I know, I'll see you later."

As he was heading out the door he heard her say, "You're curfew is 11: 30."

"Got it," and he closed the door, he let out a sigh of relief. He got ungrounded on the Saturday after the fight, but she's still hovering over him like he killed someone or something, taking a deep breath of the chill autumn air, he started his walk down the road, Bebe's house was a block or so away if he remembered the address correctly. Deciding against using his dirt bike as he didn't want to mess up his hair, and he didn't want to risk it being hijacked when his back was turned.

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