Chapter 28: Paranoia

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Kyle stared at the cafeteria table with a blank and tired look, his friends at the table were talking and laughing, but he wasn't paying too much attention. He was recently prescribed anti-depressants and the side effects were kicking in, he knew this wouldn't be the whole thing, he did some research on them before taking them, so he knew that things would get better, but at the moment, he didn't feel much. 

"Hey, hey Kylie!" A hand waved in his face, causing the redhead to blink and look over at Tweek, "Yeah?"

"You okay man?"

Kyle nodded, "Yeah, just tired is all."

"So how's you and Stan?"

He looked over and saw that it was Ken who asked, who had his arm swung around Clyde's shoulder, "Hm, everything's good."

"So, how's the sex?"

If Kyle was drinking anything he would've spat it out, as his eyes went wide as he stared at the blond, a spark of emotion flared within him as he frowned and glared at the other teen, "What the fuck is it ta ya?"

"Relax, just asking, I mean, just wondering if he's better than he was a year ago."

"The fuck is that suppose to mean?"

"Oh, heh, we fucked at a party last year."

Kyle almost saw red, but before he could say or do anything Kenny continued, "Relax, I ain't gonna go after your goth, I got my puppy right here."

"Kenny you can't just say that shit."

The blond rolled his eyes, "Sure Craig."

The lunch bell then rang, signaling the end of lunch and it was time to go back to class. Throughout the rest of the day, a stirring restlessness staying in Kyle's chest, Ken and Stan slept together, now to him there was nothing wrong with that, as he himself had sex with plenty of people, but it was with Ken, a known sex addict and the two were still friends.

What if Kyle fucked up?

What if Stan leaves him for Kenny?

Like Ken is hot, he'll admit it, but Ken has a boyfriend and they seem happy, but, fuck! He slammed his backpack into a wall as soon as he got home and closed the door, his parents were out and Ike was at rehearsal, so he was alone. He leaned against his door and slid down to the floor, burning his face in his knees, he didn't want to lose Stan, he couldn't lose him!

His breathing then hitched when a sudden text alarm echoed around him, startling him out of his spiraling thoughts, he pulled out his phone and saw it was a text from Clyde, only stating, [Can we talk?]


Stan and Kenny sat in Kyle's living room, as it seemed to be the only house available for them to all sit and talk without anyone coming in or overhearing, and in front of them were Clyde and Kyle.

There has been a heavy and awkward silence since they all sat, and no one had said a word, till Stan finally sighed, breaking the silence around them, "Kyle what is this about?"

Said teen took a deep breath as he walked over to the short teen and placed his hands on his shoulders and straight in the eye asked, "You're not going to leave me for Kenny are you?"

The goth blinked at his boyfriend in confusion, "What the hell, no, why would I do that?"

Kenny blinked at the two, and suddenly in donged on him, "Is this what I said yesterday?"

Stan sharply turned to glare at the blond and demanded, "The hell did you say?"

"I may have told him he slept together last year."


Stan turned back to face Kyle, who had a look of fear on his face as he continued to stare at him, Stan sighed as he gripped both of Kyle's hands to get them off his shoulder, but held them, "Kyle, I'm not gonna leave you, don't be a fucking idiot, who else would I date in this shithole town but you."

Kyle's legs felt wobbly as his knees fell and he was on his knees in front of the goth, "Really, I'm not some fuck up who been making your life hell?"

"The fuck dude, no, you've been making my life more bearable, and hell enjoyable," he raised one of Kyle's hands that were still in his grip and rested it on his cheek, "Your meds making you have these thoughts, if not worse?"

The redhead hesitantly nodded, Stan let go of one hand and ran it through Kyle's red curls, "Don't worry, I ain't going for a long time."

The taller of the two let out a sigh of relief and leaned his head into Stan's lap as the raven continued to pet his head.

Kenny looked over at his boyfriend who was hugging himself and looked horribly anxious, "Are you feeling the same babe?"

Clyde bit his lip but nodded. Ken gave a small, but warm smile, and held his arms out, "C'mer babe."

The brunet shuffled over to the blond who pulled him into his lap and held him close, Kenny's skinny fingers petting the back of his head, "I'm sorry for makin' ya feel like that babe, I should keep my mouth shut about that shit, you're mine, and I won't have anyone else but you. "

Clyde didn't respond as his eyes watered and his nose began to run, he buried his face into Ken's coat and nodded. 

The two insecure teens held onto their boyfriends for dear life, but at least they knew for sure that they were not going to be abandoned by them. And they were more grateful for that.


You can't tell me that Stan and Kenny wouldn't have fucked at least once in high school.

Also sorry for any inaccuracies when it comes to taking anti-depressants, my friend gave me some advice on the symptoms, but this was also years ago, so apologies for that.

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