Chapter 36: You Have GOT to be Kidding Me!

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So this has been an idea I've had for years at this point with this AU and I originally wanted it to be a spin-off one-shot but decided to do this. It was also going to be an anniversary thing too. Doesn't affect the plot, but I think it is fun. Hope you like it too!


"So you're banned from the family reunion?!" Stan shouted over the sounds of the dirtbike as they sped across town.

"Yeah, I beat up my cousin at one a few years ago!" Kyle replied as he sped up on the road.

"Why the hell do you do that?"

"He was annoying me! Also, he was like a living Jewish stereotype, can't believe we have the same name."

"His name is also Kyle?"

"Fucking hate that, like ya couldn't have found something else, it made it a lot worse since people liked to joke about us being alike, which we were NOT!"

Stan chuckled at his boyfriend's rant, the redhead's mother had just left this morning to go to Jersey for a family reunion, Gerald had work and Ike didn't want to go, and Kyle had just told him the story as to why he wasn't allowed to come. Which the redhead didn't seem to mind, preferring to stay home the rest of the holiday after that camping trip.

The two were just planning on riding around for a while till they got bored and probably went to go see a movie. All was going well, only for a blue vortex to suddenly appear in front of their path, the two teens watched it appear out of thin air and screamed. Kyle tried to turn to swerve, but it was already too late and they entered.

The next thing they knew they were falling out of the sky, thankfully it was short, and they landed on the snow. However, Kyle was the first to land, which was followed by Stan landing on top of him, elbowing him in the gut upon impact. He groaned in pain as he looked up only for his eyes to widen as he saw his bike hurdling towards them, he wrapped his arms around Stan and rolled over, avoiding the crash. He did wince at the sound though while he held Stan close, not hearing a voice not far off.

Kyle tried to catch his breath, but it was a bit difficult with his helmet on, probably the same for Stan since he could hear him. They lay like that for a minute, trying to gather their thoughts and ask what the hell just happened, only to hear crunching snow of footsteps and a voice, a strangely familiar one. "Hey, are you guys okay?"

He turned his head to look only for his breath to hitch. There was a teen that looked just like him wearing a bright orange coat and green hat, like the ones in his closet, and he could see red curls sticking out of some of the edges. He glanced at the person next to him and the guy looked just like Stan if he wasn't goth.

Why does he look like a jock?! Like he was wearing a South Park Highschool sports jacket!

"Hey are-"

"You have got to be fucking kidding me."

Kyle glanced at his helmeted boyfriend as he got up, escaping his grasp, Kyle followed after, finally standing up out of the cold wet snow.

"Uh, what?" The Stan look-a-like asked as he glanced at the other Kyle.

Kyle looked at his goth boyfriend as he started to take off his helmet, so he followed suit with his own. With their heads how free, the look-a-like teens' mouths dropped with the look-a-like Stan muttering, "Holy shit."

The look of shock would've been hilarious if they weren't in the same state.

"Hey what the fuck is taking so long!" An annoying voice shouted, they all turned to look and who they saw made the goth and Jersey redhead tense.

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