Chapter 10: The Ride

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Chapter 10 has arrived.


Stan groaned as he covered his head with his pillow, trying to drown out his father's bitching, he's been doing it for days since he got sick, he was much better now, but he was still whining about a having a headache and missing work on the fields. "Why'd ya have to bring this home, Stan!?"

Said Raven growled as he rolled his eyes and applied more pressure on the pillow to try and block it out, Randy has been blaming him since the day he got ill like a child, and Stan's been choosing to ignore it, but it was fucking annoying, especially because he was perfectly fine, he wasn't sick anymore. It was Friday evening and he wanted to get out, his mom was still at work in town, so it was just him and Randy in the house, he'd love to drown out everything with a drink, but his flask was out and he couldn't let his bastard father see him breaking into his liquor cabinet, so he was stuck with his head under a pillow.

About thirty minutes later, his head still under a pillow but his father now quite, probably passed out, he heard something that sounded like a running motor outside, groaning he got out of his bed and went to the window and saw a familiar redhead outside on his bike wearing his helmet. He waved up at him then motioned him to come down, rolling his eyes, he slipped on his black hoodie and grabbed his phone and went down the stairs and out the door, not acknowledging his passed out father.

Closing the door, he walked up to the other teen and questioned him, "Why are you here?"

Kylie-B shrugged, "Thought I'd stop by, heard ya didn't have plans tonight."

Stan's brown eyes looked over the other, "And you don't?"

The other shrugged, "Nothin' caught my interest, also got ya something," the teen turned away while the raven gave him a confused look, he got him something?

He watched the redhead turn back around with a black helmet, much like his own, with dark red broken hearts on the side. "Here ya go."

Stan took the helmet from the other, "Why?"

"Well, ya can't ride this without one."


"I was wantin' to take ya on a ride, there ain't much in this town, but I did find this trail that had a nice view, so I thought you'd want ta' see."

The raven's brown eyes glanced over at the door and sighed, "Any way to get out of here."

Kylie-B grinned under his helmet, "Well hop on then."

Stan forced the helmet on and got on the bike behind the redhead, only to realize that he'd have to hang onto the other teen as there wasn't anything else to hang onto, "Dude ya gotta hang on."

The raven's face burned a dark red, but it was hidden from the other thanks to the helmet, it didn't help when Kylie-B took Stan's arms and wrapped them around his waist. "Hang on tight."

The redhead revved his bike and they jolted back as the dirt bike speed forward, causing Stan to yelp in surprise and tighten his hold on the other, pressing his chest to Kylie-B's back. His blush intensified as he felt the other teen's body heat against him, his heartbeat quickened at the feeling of warmth.

'Damn it!'

He tried to block out his thoughts and look at the scenery they sped by, already out of the farming community and nearing a dirt path off to the side of the main road, only for his gripe to tighten as the bike made the turn sharp causing him to jerk a bit. The goth tried to control his breathing as they continued, but the ride became rough and bumpy, as they dipped in holes and practically jumped hills, causing Stan to yelp and hold on to Kylie-B for dear life, he bit his lips to try and avoid making any more noise, some of the bumps causing his teeth to dip deeper, almost drawing blood, what the hell is this guy doing?

Eventually, they began to slow to a stop at a clearing, and as soon as the bike was at a full stop, Stan practically jumped off the bike and tore the helmet off, "Dude what the hell was that driving?"

Kylie-B stepped off the bike, kicked down the kickstand, and took off his own helmet. He turned towards the goth with a knowing smirk and said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Stan let out a growl before turning away and crossing his arms, "So where is it you wanted to show me?"

The redhead gave a chuckle as he walked over to the pouting goth and wrapped his arm around his shoulder and began to lead in over to a cliff area, not too close to the ledge. "This."

Stan's eyes widen at the site, where they stood they could see far out into the Colorado mountains, and the sky was breathtaking. With the sun setting behind the mountains, the sky was blended colors of red and orange, with hints of pink and purple swirled in. "Gorgeous ain't it?"

The goth could only give a short nod, as he was mesmerized by the colors, so much so that he didn't realize the sudden cold air causing him to shiver a bit, soon the sun was nearly gone from the horizon when Stan finally noticed the drop in temperature. His hands felt like ice more than anything, as he didn't bring his gloves, he rubbed them together and blew hot air on them, only for a pair of hands to clap over top of his own, looking up he saw Kylie-B looking down at their hands before looking up to meet his eyes, "Why didn't ya bring gloves?"

The raven rolled his eyes, "Didn't think I'd need them, besides I'm fi- What are you doing?!"

The other teen was leaned over their hands and was blowing hot air into an opening of his own hands on to Stan's, which was warmer than when he tried it. Kylie-B did this a few more times before backing off, "Any better?"

Stan's face was, once again, a red mess, but one could chalk it up to the cold, "Y-yeah, they're fine," he shoved his hands into his pockets and tried to look away, "Wait what was that?"


"On your hand."

Confused, Stan took his hands out of his pockets, and they're on top of his wrist was a black feather with words trailing from the tip, reading, 'Just Breath' in cursive. "A tattoo."

Kylie-B took Stan's hand and took a closer look, "Not a stick and poke, so small towns don't give a fuck?"

The goth shrugged, "Not really."

"It's nice, never noticed it before."

Stan pulled his hand out of Kylie-B grasp and shoved them back into his pocket and shrugged. "I always wear gloves."

A cool breeze blew around the boys, causing Stan to try and suppress a shiver, "It's getting late."

The redhead looked out over the horizon and saw the last few strays of light fade into darkness, "Yeah, let's go."

Kylie-B got on his bike, turned it on, and put his helmet on, with Stan following suit, but with slight hesitation, which the redhead noticed, "Ready?"

Stan wrapped his arms around the other's waist, not wanting to take any chances, and replied, "Yeah."

Kylie-B then kicked off the kickstand and they rode off back down the dirt path, he felt Stan's grip on him tighten as they hit a bump in the path, he gave a small frown as slowed the bike down a bit. He didn't realize how much his little joke actually freaked out the other till they made it to the cliff, Stan probably doesn't have much experience as him on rough terrain. He'd take that into account next time he tries to get Stan to do this. 

The goth noticed the slight change in speed, and didn't feel as many bumps along the path, which he was grateful for, as he didn't want to feel like he was gonna fall off, his tight hold loosened a bit, but not much. During the ride though, Stan found himself leaning his head against the other's shoulder, his chest pressed against Kylie-B's back as he embraced the other's warm body heat and rested his eyes, 'Why does this feel so nice?'


And there's ya some fluff! Ya like it or Nah? Sorry, I ain't been consistent but I will try and upload once to twice a month, but I hope ya stick around with me till the end of the story, also are any of ya interested if I went ahead and worked on the other two stories for this? Tell so I can have a good clue of when I should get things done, but thanks for sticking with me so far, so until next time~

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