Chapter 15: Can't Look at You in the Eye

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Stan kept his head down as he walked down the busy halls of the school, his eyes on the ground as he made it to his locker. He really wanted to skip class again like the other day, but he knew that his parents would get a call if he skipped too much, and he didn't want to deal with that mess. He hoped he wouldn't have to interact with anyone today, his mind still a buzz from his dream, and the embarrassment that came along with it. He hated the fact that he had a wet dream, the first one he's had in years, and it was with that asshole! Why did his mind have to come up with that?

He shook his head as he tried to clear his thoughts, he'd probably just steer clear of Kyle today, he didn't think he could handle interacting with him today. He then grabbed his stuff from his locker and left for his first class.


Hours later.

Kylie-B glared at the back of Stan's head, the goth had been avoiding him like he was the plague all day, he wasn't mad about the whole water thing yesterday, was he?  He let out a sigh and rubbed the back of his neck, maybe he should apologize, it was a sorta shitty thing for him to do anyway. Once the bell rang he followed Stan out to where they all usually smoked, the others weren't there, so this would be a good time to do it, after all, Stan would more then likely kill him if he did it in front of the others. "Oi, Stan."

He saw the goth freeze and tense up but he walked closer to him, "Look, I'd like to say I'm sorry. It was a pretty shitty thing to do, and should've respected your bubble."

Stan didn't turn to him but he heard the goth say, "It's fine."

The redhead blinked, "So, you aren't mad?"

The goth shook his head, still not turning to the other and still tensed up.

"Then why ya been avoiding me then?"

"I'm not."

"Uh, don't act dumb, you have been. What's wrong?"


His green eyes narrowed at the raven who still refused to look at him, and it was starting to piss him off. He marched over to the goth and forced him to turn around to face him, but he didn't let go. "Like hell nothin's wrong, you don't avoid people because of nothing! What did I fuckin' do?"

Stan still wasn't looking at him, his eyes looked to the ground as he was held in the redhead's grip, but he noticed that his cheeks were slowly turning into a dim red. "You...didn't do anything..."

"Then why were ya avoiding me, hell ya ain't even looking at me in the eye!"

"...I can't..."

"Why not?!"

Stan's blush darkened and started to raise his voice, "Nothing!"

"Then why?!"


"That ain't a good enough answer!"

Stan's temper boiled, why couldn't he just leave him alone, even for a day, jerking his head he stared right into Kylie-B's eyes and shouted, "Because I had a wet dream about you!"

The air fell still between the two, Stan's face was now a burning red as he pulled out of Kylie-B's grip and turned away. His body shook as he hugged himself, trying to calm himself down, his thoughts now screaming at him.

The redhead only watched with as the other pulled away after revealing that, he couldn't stop the light blush that dusted his cheeks, he really didn't know what exactly to say to that, he felt like he could laugh at how absurd it was, but he knew that it'd tear down the goth. He knew he couldn't leave Stan like this, so he tried to do what he could. "W-well, I mean, you don't have to be that embarrassed, I mean we all have em'."

"Y-you don't get it...I-I haven't had one since I was thirteen..."

Kylie-B's eyes widen, okay that's something. He took a deep breath and said, "Well, can I say that I feel honored?"

Stan turned on his heels to face the other, "What?"

"Well, ya said ya haven't had one of those dreams since in years, so I can say that it must be something that you had one of me of all people," Stan remained silent as he turned his attention to the ground, "'s not weird?"

Kylie-B shrugged, "Nah, not really, dreams are weird anyway."

The goth let out a sigh of relief, so Kyle didn't hate him for having an erotic dream about him, he didn't know why but he was glad. He was also thankful for not blurting out that he had to get his morning wood taken care of, and the only thing that actually worked was imagining his dream continuing and what dream Kyle had in store for him.

"So..." The redhead stepped closer to the goth, "Care to tell me about it?"

Stan's eyes widen and he buried his face in his hands, "Oh god..."

Kylie-B chuckled and slung his arm around Stan's shoulder, "Kidding, kidding. I wouldn't do that to ya. Besides, your secret's safe with me."

The goth glanced at the taller teen, the warm feeling in his chest and twisting insides coming back again.

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