Chapter 7: Counseling

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Hey how ya do, I ain't dead. Sorry about the wait, with college finals here I've been having to catch up on my work on top of trying to plan and work ahead on more chapters on this, while working on other works I have yet to publish. I hope you like what I got here, enjoy!


As the hallway clocks ticked away, students started to make their way towards their assigned classes, Kylie-B was about to head on, but something made him stop. "Cartman let me out."

He blinked as he continued to listen, "Not until you agree to come with me this weekend, it'll be fun."

"I said no."

He walked to the corner where the voices could be heard, as he continued to listen, "Well I ain't leaving then, wonder what your old man will think if he caught wind of you ditching class Clyde."

"H-he'd understand that it wasn't my fault," Kylie-B heard the other's voice crack, as he must not believe his own words.

"Are you sure about that Clyde, hasn't you and your father been distant since your mother died?"

"S-shut up! And don't talk about my mo-m!"

"Or what, you gonna cry?"

He couldn't take this anymore, he stepped around from the corner and raised his voice, "What's happen' back here?"

There near the back wall was a large teen with brown hair cornering another brunet whos eyes were brimming with tears, as they both looked over and saw him with narrowed eyes. "Screw off, we're just having a little chat."

"Uh-ha, sure," he started to walk down the short, dimly lit, dead-end hall and continued, "Cause he doesn't seem like he wants to talk to you."

"Like you know anything hippie, now fuck off before I kick your ass."

"You? Kick my ass," a light chuckle echoed in the hall as he stepped under one of the not so dim lights, both of the brunets seeing that it was the guy who got in a fight with Wendyl, his eye and nose still bruised from the week before, a hint of a smirk played at his lips as he saw the filthy mouthed teen take a step back, "I'd really like to see you try, so how about ya leave him alone, and we won't have any problems, capeesh?"

The overweight teen growled, he gave a quick, nasty glare at the other brunet before turning it on Kylie-B, and muttered something about having him eat his parents before waddling away, the redhead's sea green eyes watching him till he turned the corner, leaving a shaken brunet behind with Kylie-B. The redhead let out a sigh as he turned back to see the still wet eyed brunet, he walked over and picked up the few fallen books that were scattered around him, probably caused by that asshole, and handed them to the brunet.

He first flinched a bit at the action, but took the books when he realized that the redhead wasn't going to harm him, "You alright?"

He sniffled a bit as he wiped away his unshed tears, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"So who was that asshat harassing you?"

"You don't know Cartman?"

Kylie-B shrugged, "Now I do, so how about this, next time I catch wind of that piece of shit doing this, I'll kick his ass."


"Why not? He seems like the guy who deserves it ten times over."

"You don't know what he's capable of...he said he was going to kill your parents and make you eat them...he's done that before..."

The redhead blinked before smirking, "I'd like to see him try anything, also, he said your name was Clyde right?"

"Yeah...and your name is Kyle?"

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