Chapter 29: Childhood Home

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Stan picked up his backpack and the last box in his now old room, he looked around and saw just how empty it was, and it brought a smirk to his face, "Stan you got everything?"

Said goth looked over at the open door and shouted back, "Yeah, I'm coming down." He then turned and left the room, hurrying down the stairs he met his mom at the door who was also holding a box, the last box of her things. She smiled at him and said, "Let's go home."

They walked out the door and didn't look back as they sat their boxes in the back seat and got into the car next to Sparky. Neither said goodbye to Randy, as he was more than likely at the bar drinking, and drove away, but as one more act of being on the property, Stan flipped off the house behind them, and a satisfied and relieved smile plastered on his face.


Sharon and Stan made it to the familiar house they once lived in before Randy stupidly bought that weed farm and it was their home again.

They were home.

Stan couldn't help the stupid giddy smile that spread across his face, it probably didn't help that Kyle and the other goths were standing there in wait.  They were alerted about the move and so agreed to help get their things moved in.

He and his mom got out of the car and got a box each out, the goth walked up to his friends and boyfriend, that smile still on his face, and said, "Thanks for helping out you guys."

"Don't worry about it, at least you're now out of that stupid conformist farmhouse."

Stan let out a tired sigh as he collapsed onto his bed, his room was littered with half-empty boxes and clothes scattered across the floor, his friends left a while ago and his mom went to town to celebrate with her friends, so now it was just him and Kyle in the house, his boyfriend was currently downstairs in the kitchen grabbing them a drink. Stan sat up at the sound of footsteps climbing up the stairs, Kyle walked in and handed the other pop. "Can't believe we're neighbors now."

Stan's mouth quirked up a small bit, "Yeah."

The redhead cracked his pop open and took a large drink from it, his green eyes then took note of how messy the room really was with some half-assed attempt to empty them. He frowned but he knew that he shouldn't try and clean, even though he had that itch in the back of his mind. A smirk then appeared on the redhead's face, "Easier to sneak over now."

The raven chortled, "Yeah, mom probably won't mind."

Kyle's green eyes wandered to the window, there was still sunlight shining through the window as it was still a bit before the sun would set. He got an idea, the two teens downed their drinks and Kyle stood, "Hey, I wanna show ya somethin'."

"What is it?"

The redhead chuckled and offered his hand, "It's a surprise."

Stan let out a deep sigh and rolled his eyes, but he stood up, "Alright, what is it?"

Kyle grinned, took Stan's hand, and dragged him out of the room and eventually out of the house. Stan knew it would be a ride on Kyle's bike as soon as the redhead got his and Stan's helmets out of the garage. With a roll of the eyes and a small smile, he put it on and sat on the bike behind the other, wrapping his arms around the redhead's waist. "Hold on!"

And they were off. Going down the road, Stan would say he was surprised by how Kyle seemed to be getting away with riding the bike on the road but he always remembers that it's South Park, and no one really cares about that.

The wind rushed by them, neither spoke as they would have to yell just to hear one another but Stan was fine with it as he leaned his head on his boyfriend's back and enjoyed the warmth that came with it.

Kyle smiled when he felt Stan press himself closer to him, he was adorable. And hopefully, he likes his small surprise, he actually found it a few weeks ago but was waiting for the right moment to show it off.

Soon the blacktop roads shifted to a dirt path and the houses became trees on all sides, Stan watched as the scenery changed, but it wasn't the same place where Kyle took him to see the sunset by the cliff, so the place was new.

Kyle soon slowed to a stop, "We're here."

Stan peeled away from Kyle's back, already missing the warmth, and took off his helmet. Once his head was free and he could hear properly again he heard it. The sound of rushing water.

He frowned but when Kyle reached his hand out to Stan, he took it. They didn't walk too far, as just bypassing some trees and moving some low-hanging branches did they find it. It was a stream, it wasn't too large or deep, but enough to swim in, but a little before it was a small two-story cliff with a waterfall.

Stan stared for a moment, "I didn't even know Colorado had waterfalls around here."

Kyle didn't say anything, he just smiled as he watched his boyfriend stare at the water flow. However, he didn't have time to react when Stan stepped a little too close to the edge and it gave, causing the raven to fall in with a yelp of surprise.


The goth emerged from the water coughing, Kyle let out a sigh of relief as he reached over and held out his hand for the other. Stan let out a huff of annoyance as he was helped out of the water, shivering as the chill air hit his now wet body. "Let's get you back home."

Stan shivered but nodded, his arms shook as he placed the helmet back on his head and was a shaking mess on the drive back thanks to the cold air rushing by them on the ride, he sat as close as he could to his boyfriend for any warmth. He was grateful when they made it back and Kyle helped him into the house and into dry clothes. He shivered and shook the whole time until Kyle had him lay down in the warm pajamas he picked out for him and wrapped a blanket around him. The two watched the tv that was one of the few things set up in the room with Sparky at the foot of the bed, it wasn't long until Stan fell asleep in his old home.

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