Chapter 38: Play

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Kyle and Stan sat near the middle section by the isle, watching in amazement as the finishing number hit and the currants began to close. All the actors came out from the sides in front of the red velvet and bowed as the audience applauded. Among the actors stood Ike and Firkle, donned their costumes, that honestly looked like regular school clothes, especially for them. The two teens clapped along with the rest of the crowd, impressed by the show that was just put on.

PC Principal walked up onto the stage with a mic, "Alright everyone, thank you for coming to the play, in five minutes there will be a character meet and greet with the kids if anyone is interested. Thank you again, and have a good night."


Stan and Kyle lingered by the door by the foyer, waiting for the play actors to come out so they can talk to Firkle and Ike. Pete, Michale, and Henrietta were on the other side of the door waiting as well. They all knew that Firkle was basically forced to be in the play, but no one knew what his role was or what the play even was about. He almost begged them not to come since he said it was dumb, but they were not going to have it. Especially if it was tease-worthy.

Finally, the doors opened, and finally, they could see them up close.

Firkle's short hair was curled a bit, giving it more of a wavey look, while wearing a black hoodie and black ripped jeans, nothing too out of the ordinary for him. Ike wore a blue striped polo over a long-sleeved shirt, and blue jeans, and had a fake cast on his arm.

"Ike! Firkle!"

The two turned to look and saw the group of teens waiting for them.

"Kyle!" Ike shouted as he ran forward with the redhead wrapping him up into a hug, and giving him a head rub when he let go. "You guys were amazin'! So this is why you didn't wanna tell us."

Ike grinned, his face a little flush as Firkle walked up next to him, "I did say I wanted it to be a surprise."

"It was, Firkle, why didn't you tell us you could sing?" Pete asked as he looked at the youngest goth.

Firkle's face flushed as he looked away, "It's nothing."

"Nothing? You have a great voice!"

"Can we drop it, I did the stupid play, and once this week is over I never have to sing again."

"Awe, not even for me?" Ike asked with a whine as he wrapped his arm around Firkle's shoulder, the young goth looked over and his blush intensified. With an eye roll, he responded, "Only for you..."

Stan smirked and said, "So are you two officially dating or what?"

Firkle's body seized and his entire face was officially red, this time he wasn't the only one as Ike's face was now flushed pink to match. "None of your business!"

"I'll take that as a yes," Stan laughed as he leaned against his taller boyfriend who was now smirking, "Is it true Ike?"

The youth squeaked in response, earning another laugh from the older teens, "It's fine, you can tell me later. So wanna tell us more about this play?"

"It's Dear Evan Hanson, has a book and broadway musical, what more do you want?"

"And your characters? Evan and Conner right?"

"Please stop," Firkle whined as he buried his face in his hands.

"Oh hey, this is interesting, Conner and Evan are a popular ship," Stan spouted as he looked up from his phone with a smirk, "Fitting."

The two looked like they were about to combust.

"Okay, that's enough guys," Henrietta cut in, having enough of the already embarrassed boys' torment. "We're going to take them out to the cafe to celebrate for them. No more of your shit, got it?" She glared at the boys who nodded in response. "Go ahead of us," she motioned the four forward, "Kenny said he was coming too, bringing his boyfriend and sister."

The four made noises in response and headed towards the door, leaving the two play actors and woman goth alone for a brief moment.

"Thanks, Hen'," Firkle sighed, now exhausted after that short brief ribbing.

The goth shrugged, "It's whatever, now come on."

She walked ahead of the two youths, who glanced at one another before Ike's hand grabbed Firkle's, but the goth didn't let go. Instead, he hesitantly squeezed it and they were on their way out.


Yeah, the actual play happens in the Fike book of this...if I ever get the motivation again to actually write it. So you just get the after-events of the play. So why I picked Dear Evan Hansen is a bit of a blur but I'm pretty sure my friend recommended it, and I really do love the soundtrack.

In other news, if anyone is interested I do have a Tumblr where I am trying to post my AU ideas that I probably won't write out the story for but I still wanna share them if anyone is interested. Such as my Kylie-B/Goth Stan Stick of Truth and Fractured But Whole AUs.

If you have any questions for those AUs or even for this fic and the other ideas I have for it then I'd like to hear them.

Tumblr is @obsessedwithtodoroki

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